Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 18, 1885.
Entitled an ordinance granting the right of way to the Kansas City &, Southwestern Railroad Company upon and across certain streets, avenues, and alleys in the city of Arkansas City in Cowley County, Kansas, and Repealing Ordinance No. 24.
The owners of hay scales have a year granted them to move their scales off Summit Street, and the guttering will not be laid in front of them until the impediment is removed.
Our report of the council proceedings shows that the graders are doing rapid work on Thirteenth Street, and that active exertion is being made to have trains running into the city by December 1st.
The Occidental Hotel is now run by DeWitt McDowell, Fred Bower having sold out his interest to his former partner. Improvements will be introduced to promote the comfort of guests.
M. B. Vawter, the dentist, has deferred his journey to Florida till the beginning of next month he had proposed leaving the 1st of November. The press of professional work is the cause of the postponement.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Capt. Couch, the Boomer Chieftain, was in the city on Monday, and informed his friends that he was going east. He passed through Capt. Hamilton 's camp on his way hitherto, and escaped being taken in as none of the troops recognized him.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Ed Grady is making rapid progress on his new brick building, he says he intends to have it ready for occupancy by December 1st. The workmen have been delayed the past few days, however, waiting for the iron pillars to erect in the front.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Steinberger left some choice cigars with the printers in this office, which were nicely enjoyed. The Rose of Sharon was the brand, they impart a fine aroma, and may be described as the smoker's delight. The cigar is of recent introduction in this city, and he says it is growing in popular favor.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Cattlemen have suffered considerable loss the past two weeks by the high winds scattering their hay ricks. They were made secure, as was supposed, by the use of wire with weights attached, but the force of the wind cast these aside, and the hay was scattered in all directions.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
The workmen have cleared a path in front of the buildings now going up in the burnt district. Mowry &, Sollitt, and the storekeepers along that block have been seriously incommoded by the piles of material, but this clearance will bring them within reach of the public again.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
As the McDowell Bros. wagon was returning to town from their slaughter house last Thursday, in crossing the canal bridge, one of the horses dropped through a small sized hole and hung suspended by the harness. The animal was unhitched and he dropped into the water, whence he was rescued after a good ducking.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
There was some fun on the street a day or two ago at a trick said to have been played on a hog buyer. A load of hogs was weighed with two men sitting in the wagon, the grunters delivered, and the empty wagon driven on the scale with only one occupant. A different clerk rushed out of the store to take the tare, and a check was given the driver of the weight of his load with the avoirdupois of his companion thrown in. It was laughed at on the street corner as a good joke.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
R. S. Light, of Ravanna, Missouri, favored the Traveler with a call last week and added his name to our increasing list of subscribers. Mr. Light is owner of a farm in Bolton, rented by a Mr. Stevens, which produces as fine fruit as any raised in the county. Indeed, he avows himself so favorably impressed with the advantages and prospects of Cowley, that he returns home with the intention of disposing of his property in our neighbor state and casting in his lot with the Kansans.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Indian Inspector Robt. S. Gardiner is in town. He starts today for Oklahoma, accom-panying Capt. Hamilton and the troup of cavalry. The boomers must go.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
W. S. Prettyman [next] &, McFarland are fitting up their photograph gallery in the Commercial block in elegant style and are now waiting for their new outfit to arrive.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Major L. E. Woodin, with his wife and two children, returned from a trip to Gray Horse on Saturday. Discussing the incidents of the trip with this local, he said, I saw in your paper while I was away that a colored Tenneeseean with fifteen wagons was met in the Territory on his way to Oklahoma. I met on my return trip a different sort of an outfit. There were fifteen colored people in one wagon. As we approached a kinky head was thrust through every hole in the canvas, and it looked as if there was an entire negro popuplation on wheels.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
City Market.
Corn per bu.: $.25
Wheat per bu.: $85
Oats per bu.: $25
Potatoes per bu.: $.85
Hogs per cwt.: $2.75
Chickens per doz.: $2.25
Flour per cwt.: $2.00 @ $3.00
Corn meal per cwt.: $1.20
Sugar, granulated, 11 lbs.: $1.00
Coffee, 5 lbs.: $1.00
Butter per lb.: $.25
Lard per lb.: $.10
Chickens, each: $.20
Eggs per doz.: $.18
Ham per lb.: $.125
Bacon per lb.: $.10
Beef, prime roast per lb.: $10
Sirloin steak per lb.: $.125
Round steak per lb.: $.10
Boiling pieces per lb.: $.06 &, $.08
Apples per pk.: $.30
Coal per ton, Canon City: $8.00
Anthracite per ton: $13.50
Osage and Weir City per ton: $6.25
Wood per cord: $5.00
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Teachers Association.
The third monthly session of the Cowley County Teachers association will be held Nov. 20 and 21, 1885, at Winfield.
1. What are the secrets of success in school government?
Paper: Prof. Gridley. Discussion: J. W. Warren, Cora Beach.
2. Should a knowledge of vocal music be a qualification of a common school teacher?
Paper: Celina Bliss. Discussion: ________, Chas. Wing.
3. How to secure the cooperation of parents.
Paper: Prof. Weir. Discussion: Lois Williams, Lottie Eveleigh.
4. Can a system of gradation and graduation be applied to country schools?
Paper: Mollie Cogdall. Discussion: Frank McClellan, Fannie Stretch.
5. What preparation should the teacher have for his work?
Paper: R. B. Moore. Discussion: J. W. Campbell, Prof. Wood.
6. Grammar in the country schools.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Lot Owners on Thirteenth Street Petition For
Themselves [?...COULD NOT READ LAST WORD.].
The city council held a field day on Monday, their chamber being crowded with eager listeners before the hour for the regular address of that body had arrived. [STRING OF WORDS BLANKED OUT...VERY LIGHT PRINTING...VERY HARD TO READ] At 7 o 'clock the roll was called by the clerk, the mayor and all the council being present to answer to their names. The first business introduced was a petition from the lot owners on Thirteenth Street, which sets forth as follows.
Memorial to the Mayor and City Council of Arkansas City, Kansas.
The undersigned, inhabitants of Arkansas City, and resident property owners on Thirteenth Street, having heard that your honorable body has under consideration a municipal franchise, granting the right of way to the Kansas City and Southwestern Railroad Company, along the street, above named, beg to protest against the passage and publication of the same, because of the serious injury it will work to the property abutting on that street. A railroad track passing within a few feet of a dwelling house renders it unfit for occupation by a family, and those of your petitioners who have families will be compelled to abandon their homes, and the property will be unsuitable to rent to others.
In conforming with the established grade, heavy cuts will have to be made, in front of W. P. Wolfe 's house there will be an excavation of fee feet, and Mr. Alex. Wilson's house will be isolated by a cutting 8 feet deep. Your honorable body can understand how seriously detrimental this will be for the homes and possessions of your petitioners, and for this reason they respectfully protest against the publication and enforcement of Ordinance No. 25.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
The Holman Congressional Committee.
The Holman committee, appointed at last session of congress to investigate affairs at the various Indian agencies, closed its labors last Friday at Muskogee and disbanded. The members present were W. S. Holman, of Indiana, Thomas Ryan, of Kansas, J. G. Cannon, of Illinois, and S. W. Peel, of Arkansas. Commissioner of Indian Affairs Atkins was present also for the purpose of informing himself regarding our people. They came in from the west Thursday night and going south early next morning were enabled to complete their work by sunset. Presuming that conclusions would be reached on a number of important subjects, the Chieftain sent a man down to make a report. Representative men from the five nations were present, but for all that was accomplished they might have saved themselves the trouble of the journey, and the same may be said as to the committee. All of our people expressed themselves as opposed to any change whatever in the status of the territory. The Creeks were not, however, so pronounced as to Oklahoma and the feeling of the congressmen, or part of them at least, was that they would eventually agree to a sale. From the tenor of the queries propounded it looks as though the committee favor the removal of the Cheyennes, Arapahoes, and other western territory Indians into Oklahoma. They would then purchase and open up the country from there west for white settlement. This view is also warmly endorsed by the commissioner himself. Their reasoning is that by this means, the tide of emigration would be directed to the west and away from the Indian boundary.
Cherokee Chieftain.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 18, 1885.
Hard on the Cattlemen.
Major Sumner is making clean work in starting out the boomers. Those who had invaded Oklahoma with the avowed intention of remaining there till it was opened up to settlement, have left at the command of the military. Being refused permission to stay themselves, they have resolved that the cattlemen shall not stay, and, accordingly they have left the country black behind them. A number visit the cattle camps and eat with the hands, the latter being chary of ordering them off, fearing they may set a match to the pasture. A writer in the Wichita Eagle, who has just returned from Oklahoma, says the whole territory, including the Cherokee strip, has been burned over, and all the hay that has been cut therein is destroyed, so that the cattlemen may as well move out, otherwise their cattle will starve. This is an exaggeration, although a large extent has been burnt, and the pasture on many ranches destroyed. A reign of terror exists in the country, the property of cattle owners being at the mercy of every strolling miscreant.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 25, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 25, 1885.
As the time for the meeting in Congress approaches, the affairs of the Indian Territory loom up into prominence. Statesmen, military and civil, have their say in the matter, and newspapers in all parts of the country have ideas to contribute. It is apparent on the sur that a different method of dealing with the Indians will be adopted, and the country is ready for a change. Experience has shown that the reservation system imparts no stimulus to the red men 's energies, there is more land in their occupation than they can put to profitable use, and so they content themselves with doing nothing.
Years ago Gen. Sherman reminded the Indian legislators of the Territory, assembled in general council at Okmulgee, that the American people held the occupants of that favored land responsible for its proper use, and that if they neglected to avail themselves of the advantages, they would have to give way to a people who would show more thrift. The general's hearers took exception to such plain talk, declaring that they had given a full equivalent for the Territory, that they were secured in its perpetual ownership by solemn treaties, confirmed by acts of congress, and they were under no obligation to please the pale in their use of the land. Fourteen years have expired since Gen. Sherman made this talk, and the result he predicted has come about.
The population of two states is pressing against the boundaries of this Indian country demanding admission, and people from all parts of the Union are bending their gaze in that direction with the view to securing homes. And as we have before shown in these columns, the Indians are divided among themselves on the question of holding on to their present insecure possession, or having a farm given to each member of the tribe and the remainder sold in their interest.
They see the Osages amply provided for by the sale of their lands, and a similar disposition of their reservations would secure them future provision. All this is known to the administration, and interest is felt in the nature of the recommendations that the president will make to congress. The philanthropists who met at Lake Mohonk lately sent a delegation to the white house to suggest that the message to congress recommend that the Indian lands be allotted in severalty and the present tribal relations broken up. They want the lordly aborigines to be reduced to the necessity of laboring for support, and rendered amenable to law.
The sayings of Gen. Sheridan on this subject have been reported at some length, and inasumch as he was the chief factor in suppressing the recent Cheyenne uprising, weight is attached to his suggestions. The general 's Indian policy may be thus stated: Allot to each family 320 acres, and the government dispose of the remainder at a minimum rate in their interest. For the money thus acquired, he would issue 4 percent bonds. He estimates that the interest on these bonds would suffice to purchase them wagons and farm implements, pay the wages of good men to teach them farming, and provide them schools and teachers for their children. Last year he says it cost the government $300,000 to keep the boomers out of their country, and this work of expulsion has to be repeated every few months. The lands are valuable, but they bring their owners next to nothing, and statesmanship demands that they be put to better use.
This is about the view that every reasonable person, whose opinion is worth anything, takes of the matter, and there is no doubt that recommendations to this general purport will be made to congress. That body has important business awaiting its action: the tariff, the coinage law (or the silver question rather), the civil service, and the Indian business. All are likely to provoke long debate and take up a good portion of the session. But this is the long session we are approaching, and if the work of lawmaking should be continued into August, it would not be without precedent. It is safe to say that important changes will be made in the administration of Indian affairs, and the people of this city and county are largely interested in the result.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, November 25, 1885.
A Washington disptach to the Gobe-Democrat, dated the 18th inst., will be of interest to our readers.
Protests, says the writer, numerous and strong, are reaching the interior department against the changes made in the agenices and post traderships in the Indian territory. It appears that those holding these positions did not consider that licenses to trade would be regarded as coming under the head of political patronage, and they took no steps to secure themselves with the next administration.
During the summer there was considerable pressure brought to bear on Secretary Lamar and Commissioner Atkins, to issue licenses to new men, and there was no pressure to speak of in favor of continuing the old licenses. Some of these applications came from Tennessee and Mississippi polticians known to Mr. Lamar and Mr. Atkins, and as there seemed to be no good reason why the applicants should not have the licenses, they received them. The next step was to nofify the old traders that their licenses would be revoked in December.
When this was done the department officials learned for the first time the full impor-tance of this change. Trade relations were seriously disturbed, and by a dash of his pen large stocks of goods transported to the interior of the Territory were virtually confiscated. Such an outcry has been raised that the Secretary and his Commissioner, who didn't at all understand what they were doing, would be glad to reverse the action if they could. Their political friends, however, have gone to the Territory with their licenses, and some have already arranged for opening their stores, having obtained goods on credit from Memphis, Kansas City, and Fort Scott. Half a dozen leading Kansas democrats played a prominent part in bringing about this sweeping change of agency traderships. They came on here, represented to the department how valuable it would be from a political standpoint to put good democrats in these positions, and thus secured some of the best of the posts for their own friends. St. Louis will feel the effect of this revocation of the old licenses seriously, for several of the largest agency stores in the Territory were supplied entirely by wholesale houses of that city. The Kansas crowd were engaged on this job very quietly for several weeks, but did little talking on the outside. Governor Glick got the credit of doing a good deal of work for them.
And the following dispatch, of one day later date, shows who is at the bottom of this movement.
he indications are that the agency and post tradership licenses in the Indian Territory have fallen into the hands of a strong combination. Licenses have been issued to some poor and deserving democrats, but behind them is a syndicate having abundant means and full comprehension of the value of trade monopoly conferred by these permits. It is stated that a wealthy Hebrew of New York is at the head of their scheme, and that he has associates in two or three Western cities who have arranged to furnish the stocks of goods and the capital to open the stores as soon as the date for revocation of the old licenses comes round. Secretary Lamar and Commissioner Atkins are innocent of this combination, but some other officials of the department are not.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
A new (Parker) shot-gun for sale cheap. Apply at this office.
Buy book goods of H. Godehard and get a library free at cost.
Lots sold on weekly or monthly payments by Frank J. Hess, Real Estate agent.
Wilberforce Colored Concert Company at the Baptist Church, Monday evening, Nov. 30.
R. A. Houghton is renovating his store with paint and kalsomine, and it will soon look as fresh as a peach.
Joseph H. Sherburne came up from Ponca on Monday to see what progress is being made on his new building.
Mrs. C. Berger, who has been sojourning for the past six months at Ashland, returned to the city last week.
Frank J. Hess has completed his duplicate tax roll, and is now ready to receive your money and pay your taxes therewith.
The guttering and curbing on Summit Street are progressing well and now the crosswalks at the junction of Fifth Avenue are being laid.
Tonight at the Baptist Church the second scene in the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virrgins, will be given. All are invited.
David Beatty has sold out his interest in the meat market to Fred Bower. The business will now be conducted by Henderson &, Bower.
Tomorrow being Thanksgiving Day, the post office will be closed, except during one hour for the delivery of mails, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.
Don 't forget the union Thanksgiving services tomorrrow at 11 a.m., at the Baptist Church. Elder J. P. Witt delivers the discourse of the occasion.
Yesterday the Traveler received an appreciated call from L. W. Miller, of Otto. He being a wise man, left an order with us for some job work.
Steinberger has finished his external decorations by erecting a handsomely lettered post on his street corner, on which he intends to put up a street lamp.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
At Willow Springs the stage barn has been moved to a more eligible position across the road, and a house is being built for the accommodation of the station agent.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
In the Cherokee national council a bill has been introduced granting the right of way to the Kansas &, Arkansas Valley railroad, to be built from Arkansas City to Fort Smith.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Mrs. James Conner, of Hallsville, Illinois, daughter of Judge and Mrs. Bryant, returned home yesterday after spending a delightful visit of six weeks with her parents.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
We acknowledge an invitation to a reception to be given by Miss Hight 's dancing club in Highland Hall this evening. Miss Hight is winning fame as a teacher of the sultatory art.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
The ladies of the Baptist Church will give a sociable Thursday (Thanksgiving) night, at the church. A regular supper and oysters will be served from 7 until 10. Come and have a pleasant time.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Hight &, Dawson have the conttract to build the temporary passenger station for the K. C. &, S. W. Railroad. The city council has granted the company an extension of 30 days to put up their permanent structure.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
On Jan. 1st, 1886, R. E. Grubbs will give someone of his customers a hanndsome silver water service, valued at $75. Every purchase to the amount of 25 cents entitles the purchaser to a ticket.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
We received a pleasant call yesterday from Edward Medler, of Albuquerque, New Mexico, who has been spending a few days in the city looking after his property, which he purchased when here last spring. Mr. Medler returned home yesterday.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
James Sneath, of Iowa, an old neighbor of our fellow-townsman, D. D. Bishop, is in the city visiting his daughter. He is well pleased with Kansas and says he is going home to sell his farm, and make Cowley County his home.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
The publication of the Travler is delayed a day in order to report the excursion of our citizens over the K. C. &, S. W. Railroad on Tuesday. The arrival of a new road will be considered by our readers as sufficient justification for delayint the issue one day.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
The colored people are building a frame church in the fourth ward, just south of the stone school house. The stone foundation is laid, and if the weather holds favorable, the frame will be raised without delay. The dimensions are 24 by 36 feet. The church will be devoted to A. M. E. worship.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
The corn market was lively last Saturday and went from 28 to 30 cents per bushel. There were more buyers than corn, and some of the heaviest feeders only secured enough to last a few days, and were compelled to look elsewhere. The result of this insufficiency was seen in the arrival of three carloads on Monday for C. M. Scott, and we understand other shipments are to follow for Major Miles, Keeler, and other consumers.
Arkansas City Traveler,November 25, 1885.
We acknowledge the handsome compliment of half a dozen grouse from Mr. W. S. Prettyman[next], of McFarland &, W. S. Prettyman [next], the new photograph firm in this city. To relieve the tedium of waiting the arrival of their apparatus from St. Louis (which will be here the latter end of this week) our Nimrod encased himself in sporting attire, and took a trip into the territory. His prowess is attested by a bag full of game, which on Monday he distributed with a liberal hand among his newly made friends. May his shadow never be less.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Leasers Not Interfered With.
It has been a matter of considerable interest of late to know whether the government would respect the leases of cattlemen made by the Cherokee Nation. Last week two teams hauling hay for C. M. Scott from Chilocco Creek to the Walnut River (near this place) were compelled to unload, and the hay baler 's teams, going into the Territory to bale the same hay, were turned back by the soldiers. Others hauling wood and hay were served the same way. Learning the facts, Mr. Scott went to the commanding officer, Capt. J. M. Hamilton, of the 5th cavalry, and presented a lease on 5,043 acres, made by the Cherokee Strip Live Stock Association, of which he is a member, with the Cherokee Nation for four years from Sept. 15, 1884, and asked permission to go ahead with his work. Capt. Hamilton said he had no authority to interfere with the leases of licensed parties and gave a written permit to bale the hay.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
A Pair of Clydesdales.
Many of our city readers will have noticed on the street two splendid Clydesdale stallion colts, sent to this city by the well-known horse breeders and importers of Topeka, E. Bennett &, Son. These two fine animals form part of an importation of Clydesdale horses, consisting of 36 stallions and 6 mares, purchased by the above named firm, and shipped from the Clyde last July. The North British Agriculturist says, the shipment was witnessed by a large number of American buyers and others interested in horses of the Clydesdale breed, and were pronounced one of the finest shipments of horses that ever left the Clyde. The two stallion colts now on exhibition at the Star Livery Stables are, first, a bay, named Pioneer, weighing 1,650 pounds, and the Earl of Breadlelane, black, weighing 1,500 lbs. They are as gentle as kittens under proper management, and although of immense muscular development, are far from ungainly in their motion. James Ramey and Morgan Fouts have charge of the animals.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
A Cattle Thief Passes in his Checks.
Some brief mention has been made in the press of the fatal shooting of Frank Pappan, a Kaw half-breed, about two weeks ago. The particulars of the tragedy, as they come to us from the territory, show that a man in Elgin, Kansas, named Lew Waite, had a beef killed in his pasture by Pappan and a companion, named Al Linscott. Depredations of this nature have been extensively carried on at the cattle ranches, and the owners have been on the alert to discover the thieves. Suspicion attached to Linscott and a fellow herder called Barra Kid, it being remarked that cattle mysteriously disappeared whenever they undertook the guardianship of herds. These robberies were talked over in the cow camps, and various theories suggested, but the operators were deft enough in their movements to escape detection. The mystery prompted a young man, named Cy Stevens, who had a taste for adventure, to set himself about the task of discovering the cattle thieves. He hired himself as a cowboy to John N. Florer, whose ranch is on the Osage reservation, and Linscott and Barra Kid being fellow employees, he had an opportunity of overhearing some of their conversation. From the intimations that reached his ears, this amateur detective concluded that these men were concerned in the numerous cattle depredations, but before he could lay any plans to catch them, the parties slipped off to Texas.
Our informant was unable to give dates, but his information is that they returned from their wanderings, and settled down at Shawneetown. Here they made the acquaintance of Frank Pappan, and enlisted his services in their cattle lifting operations. Cy Stevens had mentioned his discoveries to the cattle owners interested, and when the daring raid was made on Lew Waite's pasture, suspicion was at once directed to the perpetrators. There was a general turn out of the cowboys and Pappan and Al Linscott were corralled in a blacksmith shop. The administration of justice was swift and sure. Revolvers were pointed at them from all sides, and the command given that they hold up their hands. The surprise was complete, and the two men had no chance to parley. Hands were uplifted in token of submission, but it was noticed that the half-breed grasped a revolver. The code of the plains condemns this as an act of treachery, and an immediate fusilade extended him on the earth in the agonies of death.
We have not heard that any proceedings have been instituted against these avengers. Among a herder community, horse and cattle stealing is regarded as a far more heinous offense than murder, and the ridding the neighborhood of such a pest is popularly regarded as an ample justification of the deed.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
A New Water Supply.
The city council a week ago adopted an ordinance to supply the city with water, which is published in this issue. The want of an adequate water supply is felt and acknowledged by all our citizens, but hitherto there has been no unanimity of sentiment in regard to the plan to be adopted. The offer made by Mr. Quigley, in behalf of the Inter-State Gas Company, of St. Louis, two months ago, was regarded as advantageous by a large number of our citizens, who favored the acceptance. But at a public meeting held to consider the matter, several of the heaviest taxpapers objected, preferring to submit the undertaking to public competition. An advertisement was accordingly inserted in three trade journals, of wide circulation, specifying the capacity and nature of the plan required and asking for bids. Not an offer was made, but this is attributed to the condition imposed in the advertisement that no bonds should be issued by the contractor to raise money to carry on the work. Mr. Quigley now comes forward a second time with the offer to find a supply of pure water, furnish machinery to raise and hold 1,000,000 gallons daily, and lay water mains enough through the city to supply all the inhabitants who desire to be furnished with water. A communication from this gentleman, who is now laying gas pipes in Hutchinson, addressed to Mayor Schiffbauer, led to a conference between the two at Wichita, the result of which was an offer sufficiently in detail to admit of the mayor submitting the proposition to the council.
At an adjourned meeting of that body held last Wednesday, all the members except Mr. Hill being present, the ordinance to which we call attention was read, and after mature consideration, adopted. Some few unimportant changes were made by the council in the plan submitted to them, which will most likely be accepted by the company. The ordinance provides that the Inter-State Gas Company shall file its acceptance in writing within fifteen days after the approval of the ordinance by the mayor, and also furnish a bond for $10,000 as a surety for faithful performance of the work. It is also conditioned that it assume possession and take charge of our present water works and have their new system in running order eight months from the date of their acceptance. And as far as we have the means of knowing, this action of the city council is generally approved by our citizens.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Cowley County Jottings.
The following meteorological record is furnished us by an old inhabitant of this city, who has devoted some years to registering the weather.
First frost of 1883, Nov. 14th.
First frost of 1884, Oct. 25th.
First frost of 1885, Oct. 3rd.
First wintry day of 1883, Oct. 21.
First wintry day of 1884, Nov. 3rd cold rain.
First wintry day of 1885, Oct. 12 cold rain.
First snow of 1884, Nov. 16th.
First snow of 1885, Nov. 11th--very slight.
John Irons has a portable saw mill in his timber on Grouse Creek that will soon be furnishing lumber for the residents of that vicinity. Mr. Andrews, on the east of him, has a blacksmith and wagon shop to accommodate anyone needing his services, traveling that way. And Squire Coburn, on the other side of the Grouse, has a schoolhouse and one of the very best of places for a townsite. Now let us go in for the east and west railroad, bridge the Grouse, build a town, and redeem Silverdale.
It has been the custom here for years past in measuring hay, to allow six cubic feet for a ton, and seven cubic feet for a ton of prairie hay. At Osage Agency a contractor endeavored to have his millet measured by this rule, but he was told he must allow eight cubic feet to the ton. A dispute arose, and the millet was measured at six feet and eight feet, and the two lots weighed. The scales proved that it requires eight cubic feet to make a ton. Millet does not pack or settle in the stack like prairie hay.
Henry Hanson, living up the Arkansas, is left with 2,000 bushels of corn on hand and no hogs in consequence of cholera. A tablespoonful of copperas twice a week to every ten hogs is a good preventive. Others use plenty of salt and sulphur, while the agricultural department at Washington recommend a teaspoonful of carbolic acid sprinkled on one bushel of ear corn twice a week. This is the first year Cowley County has ever had hog cholera to any extent.
S. H. Deweese was interviewed a few days ago while plowing in his corn field. He tells that a party of his neighbors, W. S. Voris, Will Christy and his brother, and Rev. Jones, while hunting in the territory, were arrested by soldiers and taken to Fort Reno to give an account of themselves.
The farmers are desirous of rain to aid their fall wheat. The indications bespeak an average crop. All report a larger corn yield than was expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Mince meat of the best quality, also pure apple cider at Godehard 's.
Florida oranges, just received, at H. Godehard's.
Before you buy anything in the crockery line, call on H. Godehard and examine his stock and get prices.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Excursions Over the New Line from Arkansas City to Beaumont.
Steel Rails and Oak Ties, and a Finely Equipped Road.
On Monday Mr. Henry E. Asp, on behalf of the managers of the Kansas City and Southwestern Kansas railroad, then within a few miles of Arkansas City, tendered Mayor Schiffbauer and the city council an excursion over the line to Beaumont and return. The mayor said he should like the invitation extended so as to include our principal businessmen. Mr. Asp said a general excursion to our citizens would be given as soon as the road was completed to the city, and arrangements could be made for the entertainment of a large number of guests, but at the present time not more than a score of excursionists could be provided for. This being the case, Mayor Schiffbauer invited the city council, authorizing each member to take a friend along, and also included in the invitation the railroad committee of the board of trade. This filled out the allotted number.
The following gentlemen composed the excursion party.
Mayor Schiffbauer, Councilmen Thompson, Bailey, Dunn, Dean, Davis, and Hight. (Councilman A. D. Prescott was unable to take part, through business engagements, and Councilman Hill was found superintending the construction of the road.)
The friends they invited and who were present for duty, were mine host Perry, J. Frank Smith, J. H. Hilliard, Frank Thompson, and City Clerk Benedict.
The railroad committee consisted of A. A. Newman, N. T. Snyder, Major Sleeth, G. W. Cunningham, W. D. Mowry, and T. H. McLaughlin. These with the present writer (nineteen in all) formed the invited party, Henry E. Asp accompanying them as host and guide.
At 7:30 on Tuesday morning, omnibusses were in waiting at the Leland Hotel to carry the excursionists to the end of the track, and the party being seated, a brisk drive of three miles carried them to an animated scene. The day 's labors had begun, upwards of 100 workmen being employed. A construction train of ten or a dozen cars was on hand, loaded with implements and material: ties, rails, fish-plates, bolts, spikes, shovels, and so on. The ties were of well seasoned oak brought from Arkansas, which were being unloaded by lusty arms, and thrown onto tracks, which was distributed along the grade. The train was standing on the foremost rails that were spiked, and in advance of this was a rail truck drawn by two mules, which recovered the iron from the flat car, and carried it forward over the loose rails, a force of men standing by the truck and laying the rail as fast as the ties were in place.
Track laying, in these days of railroad building, is reduced to an exact science. The ties are laid along the road bed under the direction of a foreman, another crew extends the nails, which is followed up by the spike-drivers. A sufficient force can lay two miles of track a day without extraordinary effort, and the onlooker has to maintain a steady slauntering pace to keep up with the workmen.
Some delay was caused on Tuesday morning by a disagreement between two foremen, which resulted in a fistycuff encounter. The aggressor in the unpleasantness was discharged, and his crew, numbering about thirty men, refused to work under another boss. They were all sent to Winfield to receive their pay, and a fresh force brought from there to take their place. This delayed the work about an hour and a half.
At 8:30 a.m. the whistle of the excursion train sounded about one-fourth of a mile along the track, and our party of pleasure seekers made good time walking in the direction of the cars. T. H. McLaughlin stumped along, with his one live leg, as agile as the best of them, but Councilman Davis, another mutilated war veteran, jumped into a vehicle to save a fatiguing walk. The track to Winfield is not yet ballasted, and the running time to that city was slow. The bridge over the Walnut is a substantial piece of work, being raised on trestles 45 feet above the stream, and the approaches being supported on solid masonry. The two miles of road south of Winfield cost $65,000.
At Winfield a brief stay was made to take on passengers, and here Mr. Latham joined the party, who was heartily greeted by his Arkansas City guests, and who spent the day in their company. From Winfield a good rate of speed was put on, the road being well ballasted and running as smoothly as a bowling green. The first station reached was Floral, nine miles from Winfield. This is a thrifty place, which has sprung into existence since the road was built, is well situated, and surrounded by a good country. Wilmot is 8-1/2 miles distant, and Atlanta, 7 miles along. Latham is in Butler County, also a railroad town, built on a broad creek, and already containing 400 or 500 inhabitants. Commodious stone stores are in process of erection, an extensive lumber yard is well stocked, and other business lines are well represented. At Wingate (between the two places last named) there is a flag station. Beaumont was reached about 11:30, the distance from Latham being 13 miles. Here the K. C. &, S. W. Road forms a junction with the St. Louis &, San Francisco road, and here the journey terminated. Several miles of the Flint hills were traversed in reaching here, a sur formation of brecciated and abraded rock, which proves that at some time in the geological periods this whole region was overflown. Dinner was ready for the excursionists when they stepped off at the station, their dining hall being a commodious room on the upper floor of that building, under charge of Noah Herring and his very excellent and capable wife. Two tables furnished room for the score of hungry guests, and a good dinner, promptly served, was in waiting to allay their hunger.
Here four hours was afforded to take in the town, and enjoy the fine scenery that surrounded it. A party of the most robust pedestrians, under conduct of Henry Asp, took a breezy walk over the hills into Greenwood County, where a fine panorama of scenic beauty lay spread before their gaze, with Eureka, in the distance, nestling in the valley, like a sylvan deity. Those less enterprising visited the post office, made acquaintance with store keepers, talked with the oldest inhabitant, and then played the games of billiards, pigeon-hole, and quoits. Major Schiffbauer, at the first named game, made some extraordinary shots in missing the balls he aimed at. At quoits G. W. Cunningham did great execution, bombarding with his rings an extensive region of country around the pin he professed to aim at.
Our narrative of this very enjoyable trip must be brought to a close, as space fails. At 4:30 the train started on return. Mr. Young, of Young, Latham &, Co., the builders of the road, who came in on the Frisco train, joined the party. Winfield was reached at 7:30, where our friends belonging to that city, left us, and Ed Gray came on board, escorting W. H. Nelson (of Meigs &, Nelson), who had been spending a day in the county clerk's office, making a transcript from the tax list. Towards the close of the journey a vote of thanks to the officers of the road was proposed by Mayor Schiffbauer for their hospitality to the excursionists, and polite attention to them as guests of the day. This was heartily responded to by the party. The day's labors of the tracklayers brought them 1-1/4 miles nearer the city. Omnibusses were in waiting to convey the tired travelers to the city, and by 9 o'clock they were deposited at the Leland Hotel, all clamorous for supper, but unanimous in declaring they had spent a delightful day.
Arkansas City Traveler, November 25, 1885.
Notice for Publication.
LAND OFFICE AT WICHITA, KANSAS, November 19th, 1885.
Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the judge, or in his absence, before the clerk of the District Court in and for Cowley county, Kansas, at Winfield, on January 8th, 1886, viz: Annie P. Estus, D. S. No. 24,533, for the e 2 of nw 1/4 and nw 1/4 of nw 1/4 of section 32, tp. 34 south, range 5 east.
He [?] names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: John B. Splawn, of Arkansas City, Ks., Stephen Splawn, of Arkansas City, Ks., John M. Murry, of Arkansas City, Ks., O. S. Gibson, of Arkansas City, Kansas.
FRANK DALE, Register.
1st. All buildings erected for the use of said works to be composed of brick or stone.
2nd. All material used in the construction of said works to be the best of their respective kinds.
3rd. All mains to have at least three feet of covering at all points.
4th. The works to be connected with the city office and fire department, and at other places as may be designated by the mayor and council, by telephone or some other electric alarm. And such communications to be in operation at all times.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 2, 1885.
A resolution has been introduced in the senate of the Cherokee national council, to provide for a committee to investigate and report whether the Cherokee nation is charged on the books of the United States with any portion of the payments made on account of the lands west of the Arkansas River, the Cherokee Strip, in other words. A haze of uncertainty pervades the last of three payments made by the government for this land, the Cherokee documents throw no light on the matter, and nothing definite can be learned from the clause in the appropriation act of Congress wherein the money was voted. Col. Phillips, the Cherokee agent who procured the money and pocketed a snug commission on the amount, has been rigorously interrogated by the Indian legislators, but his story that the money was paid to raise the purchase price of the lands bought by the government to provide homes for the friendly tribes located on the strip is not believed, and nothing can be produced from the federal or national archives to corroboate his statement. It is shrewdly suspected that the pale negotiator was solely solicitous about his divy, and basely betrayed his principles to observe Tago's injunction, put money in thy purse. The committee to be appointed under the resolution will be charged with the duty of investigating and reporting whether the Cherokee nation is charged with owing the United States on account of the lands above named. The Murkogee Journal, an opposition organ, regards this as a tossing into the arena of the apple of discord. A fight is to be made, it tells us, on the lease of the outlet, and the friends of the members are jubilant over their prospects of success. For months past the nation has been rent with the discussion of the question what this last payment was made for, the administration for Bushyhead party insisting that Col. Phillips story is true, while the Philistines maintain that it was a partial payment on the unassigned lands. That the vote on the proposed re-engagement of Phillips as agent of the Cherokee nation in Washington was almost unanimously negative, is conclusive evidence that the commission appointed by Secretary Lamar to get the hearing on this vexed question, is now looked forward to with interest.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 2, 1885.
The successful comedy, The Corner Grocery, will be presented in the Opera House this evening. The New York Weekly News says of this very amusing piece. Dan Sully's new play, The Corner grocery, produced at Tony Pastor's Theatre on Monday night, has made a decided hit, and is one long laugh from beginning to end. The fun is of the uproarious order, and the laughter that accompanies it is genuine. Sam E. Ryan invests the part of Daddy Nolan with unctuous jollity. He is well supported by Master Robinson, as the bad boy, and there is laugh enough in the piece to carry it merrily along over a summer sea of ripples.
On Saturday Barney McAuley will appear in his standard character, Undle Dan 'l, a play of sterling merit, and which receives the warmest encomiums wherever produced. The Philadelphia Register says of it, Uncle Dan'l, in the play of A Messenger from Jarvis Station,has won for Mr. B. McAuley a reputation which entitles him to a place in the front rank of what are called character actors. The part has a strong individuality about it. It enlists from the first and retains to the last the interest of the audience, and is consistent and natural. The play catches the fancy, and the sympathy of the audience, which the kind-hearted Yankee never flags.
The entertainment of the Wilberforce Colored Concert Company, given in the Baptist Church on Monday evening, drew a crowded house, and afforded a musical treat to the hearers. The singers were Frank A. Stewart and wife, and W. S. Thompson and wife, the pianist Mr. C. A. White. They gave a long repertory of selections, several of a classical character which were alternated with popular songs. The execution was admirable, a number of the pieces being heartily encored. Mr. J. B. French gave several humerous recitations, the droller of his elocution proving irresistible. The performance was enjoyed by all.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 2, 1885.
Railroad Items.
Archie Dunn says there is as much passenger travel over the new road as is carried over the Santa Fe.
Henry E. Asp, yesterday, showed uus the ground plan and elevation of the new K. C. &, S. W. Depot to be erected in this city. Its dimensions are 88 feet by 20, 53 feet being given up to the freight room, 14 feet to the office, and the rest to the passenger waiting room. The design is very tasteful and was prepared by Mr. Wingate, engineer of the road.
The K. C. &, S. W. Passenger trains leave this city at 8:15 a.m. and arrive at 6:50 p.m.
The road is being extended southward to the state line, and pile drivers are at work on the canal sinking supports for a bridge.
Gabe is the euphonious name of the station to be established five miles south of this city, and at the temporary terminal of the railway.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 2, 1885.
AD. CHRISTMAS 1885. OUR HOLIDAY GOODS! Are now in and we invite all to inspect our fine stock of novelties, suitable for
Prices are lower than ever before, and we do not intend that any one shall undersell us.
EVERYONE SHOULD BE MADE HAPPY, And we have the wherewith to make them so! Call early and make your selections.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Ollie Stevenson is confined to his home with a return of malarial fever.
Huse is building new coal bins to replace those destroyed by the fire.
The gold watch called for in the Occidental on Saturday evening, was won by S. F. Steinberger.
J. R. [? H. ] Sumter, of Tannehill, visited our sanctum yesterday, to exchange greetings and renew his subscription.
E. D. Eddy returned from Ponca on Monday accompanied by his wife and family, who had been spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Sherburne.
A. Gilkey, formerly postmaster in Maple City, but now residing in Douglas County, was in the city on Monday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Will McConn and family spent Thanksgiving in town, to enjoy the turkey at the parental table. He paid a visit to the Traveler office, of course, and received a hearty greeting from his former chums.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
John W. Parks, of the Wyeth Cattle Company, has been spending a few days in the city. He came hither from Hunnewell, where he superintended the shipment of several carloads of cattle for the east.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Dr. M. B. Vawter announces to our readers that he will be absent from the city about three weeks. His project of a winter sojourn in Floriday he seems to have abandoned. His visit is to Kentucky and Louisiana.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The revival meetings now being held in the Christian Church in this city are well attended, and are awakening much religious interest. Rev. M. Ingels is the evangelist, whose labors here two or three months ago resulted in much good.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Col. W. J. Pollock came to town on Saturday after an absence of several weeks in the east. He attended the cattle convention in St. Louis, and reports a large attendance, but he did not stay out its sittings. He returned home the following day.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The Traveler has just received ain invoice of choice job stock, and an order for several fonts of fancy type has been sent in. Our job presses are kept busy at the approach of the holidays, and we aim to extend our facilities to meet the wants of our patrons.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Henry McLaughlin, the ten year old son of T. H. McLaughlin, is still lame from the injury inflicted on his ankle two weeks ago in leaping from a corn crib. The ligaments, as we understand, were torn loose, and he will suffer weakness in his underpinning till they re-attach.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Dr. S. B. Parsons returned on Saturday from a twenty days rustication in the western part of the state. His health has suffered through too close application to his practice, and the doctor expresses himself greatly benefited by his holiday.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Ochs &, Nicholson make a frest announcement in our columns this week, showing forth the bargains they offer to their patrons in dry goods and clothing. They still have a heavy stock to dispose of, and as the time they have set for their closing out sale is drawing to an end, they offer still more liberal concessions to expedite sales.
BIG AD. OCHS &, NICHOLSON,-of the BEE HIVE, are now advertising a-
December Clearing Sale!
To clear their stock of shelf-worn goods, but are
consequently, we do not offer you certain unsaleable lines of goods at 30 ro 40 percent discount. We will sell OUR ENTIRE STOCK STRICTLY AT COST, And we mean Just What we say. TALK IS CHEAP. It is easy for our neighbors to say that they always meet competition, BUT PRICES WILL TELL. We will sell you goods 25 percent cheaper than you can buy them in Cowley County.
Our stock is very large yet, notwithstanding we have done a big business since we commenced this sale.
Dry Goods at cost, Wool blankets at cost, comfortables at cost, carpets at cost, cotton and woolen flannel at cost, boots and shoes at cost, clothing a cost, hats and caps at cost, ladiesand gents fine Underwear at cost.
Call and be convinced that we are doing what we advertise.
Respectfully yours,
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The young men who have undertaken the task of forming a Y. M. C. A. in this city, are quietly at work and express themselves confident of success. The active members number about eighteen, and meet every Sabbath in the high school rooms, in the Commercial block. They propose shortly to solicit subscriptions to hire and furnish rooms of their own.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Invitations to dinner were numerous on Thanksgiving day, and if this editor could have divided himself to suit the occasion, the American bird would have suffered. An invite to a first-rate dinner at the Occident went unimproved simply because the Traveler man could not get round on time. Many thanks, nevertheless.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The Thanksgiving supper furnished by the ladies of the Baptist Church was not so well attended as might have been desired owing to the extremely disagreeable evening. But the banquet was utilized for dinner next day, and the enterprise netted about $30. The proceeds will be applied to paying the church debt.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The Thanksgiving issue of the Winfield Courier was a daisy. Six pages, nine columns wide, filled with the freshest news, allowing liberal space for ads, showed the enterprise and activity of the editorial corps, and reflected credit on the material resources of the office. The Courier people are chock full of vim, and they deserve the success they are winning.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Dr. A. P. Turner seems to be one of the busiest men in town. His fine new rooms in the new Union block are most always thronged with patients from far and near, and his medical institute promises to become an institution of great importance in the city. The doctor has had such remarkable success in his treatment of patients that he is consulted by parties from all over the country, and his practice is growing with a rapidity that is remarkable, and which speaks well for his skill and success. Independence Reporter.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
The Mechanics band serenaded Councilman Hill, on Saturday evening, in recognition of his useful services to the city in fighting down all obstacles and bringing the K. C. &, S. W. Railway within our corporate limits. After several pieces had been played, Mr. Hill appeared and thanked the musicians and the crowd of citizens in attendance for the compliment paid. He told of the advantages that would result to our citizens from the operation of a competing line, and predicted that the price of coal would be reduced at least one-third. His speech was heartily applauded. Judge McIntire and H. T. Sumner were called upon, and made appropriate and felicitous addresses.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
A collection in the Presbyterian Church, on Sunday morning, taken up for the foreign missions, netted $36.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Meigs &, Nelson have duplicate Tax Rolls of Arkansas City, Bolton, Creswell, and Silverdale Townships. Pay your taxes at Meigs &, Nelson 's office.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Rev. W. H. Harris will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sabbath morning and evening, owing to the pastor's absence in Belle Plaine.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Mr. M. A. Thompson, of Harper, Kansas, has purchased T. [?] D. Richardson 's residence [? ENTIRE ITEM HARD TO READ ?] and will take possession in about two weeks. He expresses himself much pleased with the stir and hustle that surround him here.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
In the Leland Hotel dining hall on Thanksgiving day, Mine Host Perry exhibited with some pride, a miniature lion skillfully executed in butter by Mrs. Seyfer, and presented as an evidence of her artist work. The crinkled mane of the tawny brute was very admirably produced.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Hamilton &, Pentecost closed up their store on Thursday and removed their stock to Winfield, where they will engage in the manufacture of candies. The reason they assign for going there is that they have more roads to ship their goods over, but they would find equal facilities here if they had stayed awhile longer.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Young, Latham &, Co., the contractors of the K. C. &, S. W. Railroad, entertained about 170 of their men with a turkey dinner on Thanksgiving day. Ninety were fed at the Leland Hotel, Grubbs provided for about fifty more, and the remainder ate at the Central Avenue Hotel. The excellent behavior of these railroad builders is spoken of in high terms by all their entertainers.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Hasie &, Co., are preparing for Christmas, by putting up new counters, and opening out fresh invoices of fancy groceries domestic and imported, for holiday purposes. Fruits of the most favorite kinds, spices, and all the many articles that enter into good things that regale Christmastide. It is not possible in a short notice to enumerate the lines of goods displayed on their shelves and counters, it is enough to say that everything is fresh, carefully selected, and just as represented. We notice that their increasing trade demands more help, and the presence of Frank Hutchison behind their counters will naturally draw many patrons to their store.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Our irrepressible friend of the Republican considered it writ down in his line of duty to describe the incidents of that excursion trip to Beaumont, after the story had been twice told. To give novelty to his narrative, he dived into philology, and informed an unenlightened world that Beaumont is a French word meaning fashionable world. The only wonder is how so young a head can know so much. Le Beau Monde is an illustrated ladies ' magazine, which can be translated as our ambitious friend informed us. But mont is an abbreviation of montague, and is used for mountain. Beaumont means a fine mountain (the flint hills, for instance), and our erudite cotem, would do well to rub up his French before he attempts to play the role of translator.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
W. S. Prettyman [next] &, McFarland, whose recent arrival here has been mentioned in the papers, have at length completed their preparations, and this morning they opened their new photography gallery for business. Credit is due these enterprising young men for their taste and liberality in fitting up their rooms in first-class style. Their outfit is entirely new, and is composed of the most improved machinery and accessories for turning out the best work. On a visit to their gallery yesterday, we found the reception room handsomely furnished, and a spacious and elegant cabinet just set up which they propose to fill with specimens of their work in this city. Several cases of picture frames were being unpacked, of all sizes and in endless variety, many of them elaborate in design and resplendent with gold and crimson plush. In the studio we found the cameos already set up, encased in finely finished cabinet ware, one of dimensions to take life-size pictures, and the other for portraits of smaller proportions. Their accessories (stage properties, we were about to say), are designed for grouping and posturing, according as the taste of their patrons is romantic or sedate. Rustic scenes, marble halls, or fireside surroundings can be produced at the will of the sitter.
These artists say they desire to make no boast in advance, but believe that where their work is seen, the popular verdict will award them the credit of equalling in fidelity and finish anything that can be procured in St. Louis or Kansas City. They start out with the determination to succeed, and if their merit is in proportion to the facilities they have provided themselves with, there is no question but they will be liberally patronized.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Plain Facts.
One of our city bankers showed a Traveler man the prices for job work sent him by a printing house in an eastern city. They seemed absurdly low, but the newspaper man, not to be outdone, offered to take any work at the schedule rates before him, save express charges to his customer, and guarantee satisfaction. The banker, supposing this was bluff, ordered 5,000 blanks of a certain kind, the work was done at which entire satisfaction was expressed, and a living profit realized. So much for the superior printing facilities of the large cities. Again. A week or two ago, this office printed 2,000 druggists statements and delivered them in good order. On request this writer gave his price to the tradesman. The latter produced a printed circular from his desk, sent him by a printing house in Wichita, and on comparing figures, it was found that the Traveler charge was $1.50 below that given by the Wichita printer. The moral to be deduced from this is that Arkansas City people who want printing done in good style and at low rates should resort to the Traveler presses.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
From Our Exchanges.
Burden Enterprise: On Tuesday morning while Matt Cunningham was kindling a fire in the big stove in the Hardware store, the gas exploded. He was minus some curls and mustache, and had some slight burns and a big scare, as he picked up what was left of him in the back part of the room.
Texas Stockman: A cow man advanced the novel idea that if the wolves and other wild animals are destroyed, the jack rabbits will take the country, grass and all.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Judge Martin, at Atchison, has decided a case wherein the state was plaintiff and the saloon keepers, defendants. The case was brought by Attorney General Bradford against the saloon keepers of Atchison, charging them with maintaining a public nuisance. The decision of Judge Martin fully sustains the charge and that part of the prohibitory law under which it was brought.
Attorney General Bradford has succeeded in closing all the saloons in Dodge City, and the liquor dealers have succumbed to the inevitable. The mayor of the city has also ordered all the gamblers to quit business and stay quit, and the hard days in Dodge City seem to be over.
MARRIED. What the springs at Geuda can do. William Carley, late of Illinois, hopelessly cripped with rheumatism, resorted to the springs for relief. Miss Lloyd, of Sedgwick County, similarly afflicted, tried the same healing waters. The result is told in the Herald of that place. A cure effected in both cases, and two loving souls united in the blissful bonds of matrimony.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
And now the Caldwell People Sit Down and Count the Cost.
The boomers are out of luck, and their hopes of enjoying an earthly paradise have dissipated in thin air. Seeing the territory secured to the red tribes, they concluded that the purpose of nature had been thwarted, and that the task devolved upon them of setting things right. In a kind of mutual way they agreed among themselves that the earth was for the ______ ____ ____ were the chosen. ________ _____ _______ left to themselves ____ ____ _____ _____ ____, and gave out that anyone desirous of getting a farm from the heritage of the red men, must join their association, pay tribute to Caesar, and enter into a compact to exclude all others who did not swear fealty to Capt. Couch as king. This farce has been played for a number of years, successive raids being made into Oklahoma, and sometimes a judgment effected which ______ _____ ______
_____ and in the end the military were ordered to be turned loose, and the _______ _______ colonists would be ignominiously expelled.
This bootless errand has detained them from profitable employ, and now they find themselves, on the approach of winter, again turned out of doors, and many of them without a dollar to support their families. They are clustered about in disconsolate groups, cursing the tyranny of the government and inveighing against the degeneracy of the American people in suffering them to be thus driven about. We fear that a great number of these disappointed boomers are so badly demoralized with the wreck of their plans that they have given up all interest in life, and have no higher ambition than to throw themselves on the county during the inclement season for support.
Some of our citizens have said that Arkansas City made a grave mistake in letting these boomers go from our midst. That they made things lively while they were with us, spent money, and brought in crowds to see what kind of people they were. Being offered a bounty, ($6 [?? PAPER HAD $6 0 ?? NOT SURE IF THEY MEANT $6.00, $60.00, OR $600.00 ??] is the sum mentioned) by the businessmen of Caldwell, to remove their camp to that city, the price tempted them, they folded their tents and silently stole away, worst bereavement of all, taking their war organ along with them. What benefit has been derived to that city from their trade and companionship, the Caldwell Journal is forward to reveal. In a long editorial article, headed What the Boomers have Cost Us, the following string of grievances is set forth.
The two or three hundred boomers that came here from Arkansas City last spring had but very few dollars left upon their arrival. They camped near the town and the few of them who would work under any circumstances engaged in whatever work they could find, but at greatly reduced prices from what our laboring men had been receiving. This reduced our own laborer's ability to purchase, and thereby caused a shrinkage in trade to that extent. Then a few of them put their teams on the road, freighting. This again increased the supply of freighters and reduced the tariff. In haying season these boomers, with no additional expense in a haying camp in the Territory over their camp on Bluff Creek, run the price per ton down so that our hay contractors and farmers could not make decent wages at it, and hence their ability to buy was reduced.
By the agitation and racket kept up by the dishonest leaders of the boomers and papers in the east subsidized for the purpose, and other little jealousies, the removal of the cattle men from the Cheyenne and Arapahoe country was effected. This causes the loss to our farmers and freighters of over $70,000 between October 1st, 1885, and February 1st, 1886, in freighting alone of corn supplies to that country. Orders had been filled for between 50,000 and 75,000 bushels of corn to be delivered at the cow camps in that country alone, before the order of removal was made. By these orders being countermanded, the corn market of Caldwell is today fifteen cents a bushel lower than it would have been. This item affects every farmer in the south half of the county, as well as the merchants.
The Cherokee Strip men, by the oft-repeated threats of boomers to burn their ranges as soon as grass would burn, and the unqualified expressions of approval of such a course by the boomer organ, have desisted from ordering their supplies of corn and other necessary feed for the winter up to the present time. It would be useless to have their corn sent down and then have their ranges all burned off, as they would have to move their cattle and corn too. In view of the vast fires of the past week that are reported from that country, many of them will not need any corn, as they cannot hold their cattle there. This again reduces the price of corn here and deprives many of our farmers of good strong pay for delivering the corn at the camp, besides receiving fifteen or twenty cents more per bushel than they are now getting on the market.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Will Make Another Attempt.
The four Nimrods, Stacy Matlack, Stephen George, and Drs. Westfall and Cox, who went into the Territory a week or so ago to stock our city market with game, changed their minds when they had traveled out about 35 miles, and concluded to let the poor things live. They reached the Chicaskia where they expected to bag wild duck till they couldn't rest, but the amphibious bipeds became suspicious of the intentions of the sportsmen, and persisted in keeping at a provoking distance. Prairie chickens, of which they expected such great plenty, were attending a bird convention some miles away, and to get at the larger game would take another day 's travel. The medical gentlemen grew uneasy about this time for fear their patients would get well during their absence, and the mercantile members of the party remembered that collection day was approaching and their books wanted posting. They came back without game, reserving their energies and ammunition for another expedition when they intend to depopulate the woods and streams.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Frank Graham's Case.
Sheriff McIntire is still absent in his quest for Frank Graham, the second defaulting bookkeeper of A. V. Alexander &, Co. Mr. Alexander is mercilessly joked about his bad luck in the choice of accountants, but he stands the fire without flinching and avows his intention to be himself cashier for the firm hereafter. Rev. Witt tells a story at his own expense about this defalcation. Happening into the office one morning when the young man was at leisure, he stayed to converse with him awhile, and to point a moral, dwelt upon the slim chances of escape for delinquents in these days of railroad and telegraphs. Young Hopeful seemed to be impressed with this talk, and declared his ambition to win success in life by honorable methods, and if he ever made a mark, to make one he would be proud of. Three days after this conversation, says the preacher, Frank Graham was hurrying westward with the money of his employers in his pocket. His arrest and bringing back will entail a heavy bill of costs on the county, but he is young and may live to return it in labor for the public benefit.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Cattle Thieves Arrested.
In our last issue we told about the shooting of Frank Pappan, a Kaw half-breed, by a crowd of cowboys for killing and stealing a beef belonging to Lewis Waite, of Elgin, Kansas. Two men associated with the half-breed in his lawless practices, Al Linscottt and his brother, were taken to Osage Agency for safe keeping, and Agent Hoover telegraphed United States Marshal Rarick to come and take them. He proceeded to the agency on the summons, took the Linscott brothers in charge, and brought them to this city for examination on the charges of cattle stealing and selling liquor to the Indians. Complicity in the theft on Mr. Waite 's pasture was proved against the other Linscott before U. S. Commissioner Bonsall, but Al Linscott was not criminated by the evidence. Both were confined in the county jail, and tomorrow the last named will be examined on the charge of liquor selling. Both men are said to be hard cases, and cattle owners are severe sufferers by their operations.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
MARRIED. In Bolton, on the 25th ult., Miss Libbie Davis to Sherman F. Wing. The reception was given the day following, the festivity being threefold, it was Thanksgiving, it was the birthday of the groom's father, and two hearts had been joined in one.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 2, 1885.
Don 't Be Without It.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
-Will be found at- SMITH'S BEE-HIVE STORE With the Largest and Finest Stock of Candies, Fruits, and Nuts IN THE CITY, Where he will be pleased to see you during the Holidays. He will be in shape to quote prices at Wholesale.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
BIG AD. STEINBERGER 'S PHARMACY, Corner Summit Street and Fourth Avenue, is the place to buy DRUGS, MEDICINES, CIGARS, TOBACCOS, PAINTS, OILS, TRUSSES, NOTIONS, ETC. Prescriptions made a specialty.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
Room No. 30 Commercial Block.
The undersigned are prepared to do all kinds of work, from a Card to a LIFE SIZE PICTURE.
We also make a specialty of Copying and Enlarging. By the new process we are able to take pictures on cloudy days. All work guaranteed. An elegant line of Picture Frames always kept in stock.
W. S. Prettyman [next] &, McFARLAND.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 9, 1885.
BIG AD. EUROPEAN RESTAURANT Removed across the way two doors south of Leland Hotel. First-class meals at all hours. New rooms and new furniture for Lodgers. Oysters in every style.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
We notice in the Kansas City Indicator the advertisement of the New Jersey Cattle Co., offering their ranch of 6,000 acres of deeded land in the southwestern portion of Cowley County, for sale. The ranch adjoins E. M. Hewins pasture and the horse ranch of M. P. Johnson. A mint of money has been expended on this land in improvements and Arkansas Cattle, and the profits no doubt have not been what our eastern friends expected.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
DIED. On Tuesday evening, the 2nd inst., J. A. Bryan, of Dexter, was thrown from his wagon while going down hill with a load of wood, and falling on his head, broke his neck. His death was instantaneous. The deceased had formerly kept store in Dexter, but had gone on to a farm. The accident was caused by the harness giving way and letting the wagon tongue to the ground. The unfortunate man was married and 38 years of age.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
During the inquest in Judge Kreamer's court yesterday on the body of William McCuish, a brother of the deceased became boisterous, was insolent to the judge, and disturbed the coroner's inquiry. Constable Frank Thompson was sent for to remove the troublesome customer, but on the way downstairs he resisted arrest, and made an assault on the officer. Councilman Bailey, passing by, came to Frank's assistance, and the two carried the man to the lock up.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
The blizzard on Friday did considerable damage in Southern Kansas, Wichita and Newton being among the worst sufferers. In Wichita, a fine building erected by the G. A. R. Post was blown down, the courthouse was badly wrenched, and other buildings injured. Plate glass fronts were blown in, every awning on Main Street carried away, and horses and wagons tumbled over. Reports from other parts of Sedgwick County also tell of damage by the storm.
In this city the damage done was slight, a chimney on Highland Hall was blown down, the awning in front of the Oklahoma market was blown away, and various outhouses demolished.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Our city marshal is a man of many duties, and has badly used himself up in the public service. He is custodian of the peace, road commissioner, and sanitary inspector, and his ambition last week led him to exercise his muscle in breaking stones. For two days he wielded a sixteen-pound sledge hammer, but his will went beyond his physical endurance. On Thursday while acting as stone-crusher, I heard something inside of me snap, he says, and I fell to the ground in a fainting condition. He was picked up and carried home, and now walks about with difficulty. We hope to see him recover strength and flexibility, but he must understand that a man weighing 130 lbs. is not intended to do the work of a steam engine.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Musical Olio.
The Ladies ' Aid Society of the Presbyterian Church propose to give a musical entertainment in Highland Hall on Tuesday evening next. The programme is not yet arranged, but it will consist of solos, duets, trios, and quartettes, interspersed with oratorical exercises. Jean Ingelow 's favorite poem, The Story of Seven, will be rendered by as many speakers, and an effective tableau will illustrate the story told by each speaker. The ladies have called to their aid the best musical talent of the city, and their entertainment is sure to be artistic and enjoyable. Several comic compositions they are now rehearsing have at the refreshing charm of the Pinafore music.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
Destructive Prairie Fire.
The prairie fire in the Territory on Friday was terribly destructive, sweeping the entire region of country from Chilocco Creek southward to Stewart 's ranch, on the Salt Fork. Besides the destruction of thousands of acres of prairie, large stacks of hay were burnt, and we hear that some cattle were caught in the flames. Among the sufferers by this wanton act of incendiarism, are Winfield Cattle Co. (Formerly Tomlin &, Webb's), and Pettit, who pastured his herd on the above named ranch, is also a severe loser. The ranches of Hill &, Allen, Beach &, Pickens, H. G. Chinn, and M. P. Johnson are also burnt over. A furious gale blew at the time of the conflagration, and the flames were carried with railroad rapidity. This leaves a gloomy prospect for carrying the herds through the winter.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
A number of heedless people in this city are fleeced by sharpers or irresponsible agents who profess to offer them bargains. This is an old trick, it has been played for years, and still it finds its victims. At the present time, we are informed, there is a lady canvasser going about, who visits ladies at their homes, and tempts by offering first-class jewelry, or Rogers ' plateware at manufacturers ' prices. She boards in some private family, and the lady she stays with accompanies her on her rounds to vouch for her respectability. She sells by catalogue, and the prices are given. When she has gathered in her harvest, she is succeeded by another agent, of the opposite sex, who delivers the goods and is keen to rake in the ducats. He also flits when his business is over. Then the purchases are looked over fondly and a suspicion arises that they are not as represented. The goods purchased are of the cheap and nasty sort, and the money expended on them would have bought articles of sterling value of our city jewelers. Traveling agents are generally sharpers, and those who deal with them are sure to be taken in.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 9, 1885.
A Party of Hunters Meet with a Sad Misadventure.
On Sunday afternoon, just before dusk, a wagon drove into town from the south, containing the body of a dead man, and several men accompanying it. They stopped opposite the Traveler offfice, and from one of the party the following particulars were gathered.
Our informant gave the name of E. J. Redick, living in Arkansas City. On Saturday about 1 o 'clock he came across the deceased, William McCuish, with two others, a man named Donnelly, and Cox 's boy: a lad about 14 years. He found them near Deer Creek, where the grass was burnt, and there was no pasture for their animals for miles around. He told them there was grass in the Big Bend and a good place to camp, upon which they hitched up, and he rode with them to the place indicated. About 7:30 p.m., the party reached pasture, and proceeded to make preparations for camping. On the ground they found a hunter named William Aikman (or Arkman), whose tent was prostrated. Aikman (or Arkman) and Cox 's boy set to work at putting up the tent. Redick and Donnelly busied themselves in gathering materials to start a fire, and McCuish was left to unhitch and unload the wagon, which contained camp equipment, some provisions, and the arms of the party. It was dark at the time, but objects were discernible. While the party was thus engaged, the report of a gun was heard, and the deceased made some exclamations.
His companions ran to the wagon to render assistance and found McCuish extended on the ground and unable to articulate. In a short space of time, not exceeding five minutes, he breathed his last.
They placed the body in the wagon, and the next morning drove to town, a distance of twenty-five miles. Mr. Redick gives as the theory of the party that in taking the guns out of the wagon, the hammer of one of the weapons must have encountered some object which caused its discharge.
Commissioner Bonsall was notified, who searched the pockets of the deceased and found a paper bearing the address of some person in Scotland and two silver dollars. Having no authority to hold an inquest, he requested Justice Kreamer to telephone the coroner at Winfield that he might inquire into the facts of the sad occurrence.
The deceased was a stone mason by trade, and was working on the new buildings in the burnt district. He was Scotch, is described as a fine built, well behaved man, and about 25 years, and had been six months in this country. He had left a wife and 3 children in his native country, whom he supported with a portion of his wages.
From another source we learn that he had a brother living in Winfield, following the same trade, and employed on the imbecile asylum now building in that city. That the deceased visited this brother on Saturday and borrowed his gun, the weapon not being in a safe condition for use. But whether this gun caused his death we can gain no information.
An inquest was held yesterday on the remains in Judge Kreamer 's office, which lasted nearly all day, and a verdict of accidental death was returned.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 16, 1885.
Light Thrown on the Subject by a Bright Young Journalist.
The question of selling by sample is as hard to adjust as the tariff or foreign goods. The practice adopted in most cities is to impose a heavy license on such mercantile agents in order to discourage their visits. It is regarded as the duty of the city government to protect by wise regulations the home merchants who pay taxes, employ help, and often own their stores. But there is a limit to this restriction of outside competition. The constitution of the United States guarantees to the citizen of every state the rights and immunities enjoyed by the people in common, any attempt to restrain the agents of mercantile houses from selling their goods wherever they alight, by burdensome and onerous taxes, could be successfully resisted in the courts. The popular sentiment does not sanction any such discrimination, and we notice that in the Senate of the United States, on Thursday, Mr. Platt, of Connecticut, introduced a bill to relieve commercial travelers from license taxes, and making it a misdemeanor for any officer of a state or municipal corporation to interfere in any way with a commercial traveler selling goods in a city of which he or the merchant he represents is not a citizen. This is designed to throw down the doors to unrestricted commercial intercourse, but before the senate committee to which it is referred considers the provision of this measure, we move that the editor of the Arkansas City Republican be summoned to appear and give his views.
This exceedingly fresh young man has been pouring another flood of subterranean light on the subject of commercial enterprise. His luminous brain is not only competent to grapple with the rights of men and women who sell by sample, but he is forward to tell what class of merchants shall be allowed to do business in this city. Last summer a Wichita man opened a professedly cheap dry goods store in the rink, paying rent and occupation tax, hiring help, and supporting the city papers with advertising and printing. His business methods were peculiar, but we never heard they were unfair, and after he had made things lively for a few months, he folded his tent and moved away. The dry goods merchants probably suffered from such competition, but this is an unavoidable incident to trade. At the last meeting of the city council, one of our hotel keepers complained of unfair discrimination in being made to pay an occupation tax, while the keepers of private boarding houses were exempt. This is not a protective tariff,said Councilman Dunn in reply. We tax hotel keepers with other businessmen because there must be a revenue to support the city government, but we do not propose to harass and oppress every poor widow who supports herself by keeping a few boarders, in order to make your business remunerative.
Further than this, it is maintained by some writers that the business volume of a city is not a fixed quantity, measured by the wants of its inhabitants and those living within a defined circuit. These argue that cheap prices and active competition among businessmen bring buyers in from a distance, and fully offset the division of patronage among an increasing number of dealers.
Mr. C. D. Burroughs has rented one of his stores to a clothing and dry goods dealer from Ohio. According to the talk of this newly arrived tradesman, he also is going to make things lively. He brings a heavy stock, proposes to advertise liberally, and calculates to do a big trade. What does our jejune cotemporary intend to do in this case? Had he been vigilant he would have stationed himself at the depot when the train bringing this man arrived, and warned him off. Or better still, have taken his victim apart and read one or two of his newspaper diatribes to him, and the man from Ohio would most certainly have taken the return train for home. Our readers will remember, says this journalistic Solon, that we put ourself on record on the question when Matthews, of Wichita, came here and ruined the dry goods business for one season. What question? The question of selling cheap and advertising liberally? Our city dry goods merchants now declare they are selling goods at cost, if another man can come in and undersell his rivals, he will have to use a business method unknown to others.
Our somewhat over-confident brother quill announces himself one of the brightest young journalists in the state, but he will find he has much to learn before he becomes a Horace Greeley or a Sam Bowles. Lot owners are building stores along Summit Street, and as fast as the buildings are finished, they seek tenants. Who is to be censor over the character of the tradesmen who seek to occupy them? Shal the Republican man be chosen? We pay liberal sums to bring railroads here, and banquet and eulogize those who aid us in the work, then our city journals herald to the world that we have a good thing all to ourselves and all are welcome to partake.
But the Republican has made a record! Men who sell cheap and use printer's ink profusely are not to be allowed here because they demoralize the trade. Owners of first-class stores must first inquire of applicants for their property how they propose to do business before they accept them as tenants. Cities are built up in just that way and grow into opulent and flourishing commercial centres. It is a blessed thing that we have a bright young journalist among us to teach us the right course, because old fogies for many generations past have acted on the assumption that domestic trade is best left to regulate iteself.
Arkansas City, Dec. 10th.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 16, 1885.
Everybody before selecting their Christmas presents to call at Herman Godehard 's and examine our stock. We have the most complete assortment ever offered to the public in Arkansas City.
A fine line of Mustache Cups and Saucers.
Also a Choice Assortment of Bread and Milk Sets.
China Fruit Baskets and Stands.
Bohemian Glass.
Cologne Sets and Vases.
Children 's Fancy Tea Sets.
Hanging Lamps of Various Patterns.
German Student Lamps and Vase Lamps.
Also, a very full line of AMBERINA GLASSWARE.
Don 't miss seeing the latest designs in glass just out.
We have just opened a small lot of the above named goods, call and see them.
During the holiday trade we call your particular attention to our confectionary, of which the Manufacturer says: It is the Largest Bill Sold to any Retailer this Season.
We keep Three different Kinds in Cans, and one Quality in Bulk, to Sell by the Quart.
IN FRUITS We have Apples, Florida Oranges, Lemons, Figs, Dates, Raisins for the Table, Besides a well Selected Assortment usually found in a first-class Grocery.
We sell all kinds of Nuts, Honey, Apple Butter, Mince Meat, all kinds of Canned Goods, Book Goods, Choice Teas, Roasted and Green Coffees, Maple and other Syrups. apple cider.
Call at our Model New Store at the old stand first occupied Fourteen Years ago, by the Undersigned.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Danks Bros., propose to run some castings this week in their newly completed iron foundry.
Adam Traband has opened a cigar store and factory on Summit Street, opposite the Hasie block.
The snow storm on Saturday made wheeling difficult, and the city trade suffered in consequence.
W. R. Smith 's case came up in the district court yesterday, and he was discharged, a nolle prosequi being entered.
Charles Schiffbauer has returned from a trip to Washington and other eastern points. He was the first through passenger to this city over the Frisco road.
C. S. Pierce, a lightning dry goods man from Cleveland, Ohio, opened a store in Burroughs ' block yesterday, and started out with an auction sale in the evening.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Work on the new railroad depot is begun, and its completion is promised by New Year 's. Jacob Hight has the contract, and he intends to make his mark by getting up a creditable building. Materials for the work are at hand.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Courier of Friday last gives an account of the killing of Frank Pappan, an Osage half-breed, in Elgin by an armed mob, dating the tragedy the week preceding. As the Traveler gave a detailed account of the occurrence a month ago, our cotemporary is somewhat tardy in its news. The Courier man should read his exchanges more diligently.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Frank Noyes, a saloon-keeper, and a hard case generally, was hanged by a Caldwell mob on the 8th inst. Resistance to the prohibition law and defiant lawlessness have prevailed in that city, and the better class of citizens seem determined to enforce law and order. Noyes was also suspected of having fired the residences of several leading prohibitionists.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Kingsbury &, Barnett, at the post office book store, are constantly opening out fresh lines of attractive novelties.
The stores in the city will be closed on Christmas and New Year 's day. Purchasers will do well to supply themselves in advance of those holidays.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
A. B. Crane, formerly foreman to the Wyeth Cattle Co., who has been wandering during the summer in the spacious Northwest, returned to town last week, and put out for the Territory.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Jerome Steele has purchased the drug stock formerly owned by Grimes &, Son, and has placed it in Mrs. Ransom's fancy store where Isaac Schooley, an experienced prescriptionist, will attend.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Railroad Time Tables.
K. C. &, S. W. R. R. CO.
Time Table No. 3, in effect Nov. 20, 1885.
No. 1 No. 2
8:15 A.M. Leave Arkansas City Arrive 6:50 P.M.
9:05 A.M. Winfield Leave 6:05 P.M.
9:20 A.M. Floral 5:40 P.M.
9:40 A.M. Wilmot 5:36 P.M.
10:10 A.M. Atlanta 5:10 P.M.
10:15 A.M. Wingate 4:55 P.M.
10:30 A.M. Latham 4:40 P.M.
10:50 A.M. Burgess 4:20 P.M.
11:15 A.M. At Beaumont 4:00 P.M.
Trains connect at Beaumont with Frisco Line trains. Althrough coach is run between Arkansas City and St. Louis. Through tickets for sale to all points East, and baggage checked through.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Prairie Fire Near Beaumont.
During the high wind on Friday, a fire broke out near Beaumont and swept to the south and east with terrible swifness and irresistible force. Roads and hedges, usually an effective barrier against prairie fires, proved of no avail in this case. Haystacks were licked up at one mouthful and fences were quickly demolished. Many farmers had their fences all swept away. A man named Hall, living near Box City, had his hay, corn, barn, horses, and everything except his house swept away. In fighting the fire he was severely burned. His eyes were so badly burned that the recovery of his sight is doubtful. Other farmers whose places had just been deeded [? DO THEY MEAN SEEDED ?] and little firebreaks plowed in consequence, also lost heavily. In some places where the grass was heavy, the flames rolled to a height of twenty feet. This same section recently had a round of the hog cholera and the farmers of northeastern Cowley will suffer greatly this winter in consequence. Winfield Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Kansas and Arkansas Valley Route Considered by the Board of Trade.
The board of trade held a meeting in Judge Pyburn's office on Monday afternoon to listen to the report of Mayor Schiffbauer on his return from Arkansas. His honor reported his visit entirely satisfactory. The railway project is in the hands of responsible men, the incorporators being Elisha Atkins, F. Gordon Dexter, C. W. Huntington, and J. H. Thomas, of Boston, E. H. Winchester, of New Hampshire, R. T. Wilson, of New York, John G. Fletcher, John D. Adams, George W. Hughes, and Henry Wood, of Little Rock, and Jesse Turner, of Van Buren, Arkansas. The capital subscribed is $8,000,000, and the parties above named are earnest in their intention to build the road. A bill has been prepared for introduction in Congress, asking the right of way through the Indian Territory. The route as given in the bill, indicates a point on the eastern line of the territory, at or near Fort Smith, then through the territory, on the north side of the Arkansas River to the northern boundary line of said territory at or near Arkansas City. The road will then be carried on to Wellington and ultimately to Colorado. A strip 100 feet wide is asked in the territory, for which liberal compensation will be paid, the passenger rate is set at three cents a mile, and power is reserved to Congress to fix the freight rates. Mr. Schiffbauer from conversation with several of the incorporators satisfied himself of their good faith toward this city, and received their assurance that the southern members in congress will give the measure almost unanimous support. During the discussion of the matter by the members of the board of trade present at the meeting, the opinion was generally expressed that a road placing this city in direct connection with New Orleans, and giving us access to the timber forests of Arkansas was one for this city to aid with all the means in its power. We understand that Mr. Ingalls will present the bill in the senate, directly after the holidays, and the delegation from this state will be requested to render it support.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
In Memoriam.
DIED. Died on Sunday the 13th inst., in this city, after a lingering illness, J. C. Duncan, aged 47 years. Funeral services were held in the Presbyterian Church on Monday, Rev. Fleming officiating, and the remains were buried in Riverside Cemetery.
J. C. Duncan was an old and respected member of this community, but the lingering illness (consumption) of which he has been the victim, has impaired his usefulness for the past two years. He was a member of the Arkansas City post of veterans, and his comrades turned out to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory. He was also school trustee for the fourth ward, and the schools were closed the day following his death. Below we publish the resolutions adopted by the session of the First Presbyterian Church, of which society he was an elder.
The session of the Presbyterian Church at a meeting on Monday evening, Dec. 14th, adopted the following resolutions relative to the death of Mr. J. C. Duncan.
WHEREAS, It has pleased Our Heavenly Father to remove from his place in this session, our beloved brother, J. C. Duncan, by death.
Resolved, That we humbly bow to the will of Him who knows what is best for His people, and with reverence say Thy will be done.
That we record with gratitude this abundance of grace manifested to our brother as he went down into the dark valley,and bear record to our high appreciation of his piety, wisdom, and timely counsel, as a member of this session.
That we extend to the children so sadly bereft of a father's counsel and a mother's love, our most heartful sympathies, and commend them to the care of a covenant keeping God, who is the father of the fatherless, and who has promised to be the guide of youth.
That these resolutions be spread upon the records of the session, and copies of them furnished the family of the bereaved, and our city papers for publication.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
The Border Dancing Club will give a grand masquerade ball in Highland Hall on New Year 's eve, for the success of which preparations are now in hand. This club was organized about two months ago by the elite of our city youth, and has already given four dance parties, which were well attended and were greatly enjoyed by all who participated. The coming festivity will be a great event, and the committees appointed to carry it through will neglect no essential to make it an eminent success.
The Knights of Pythias of this city will give their first annual ball on Friday, the 18th inst., at Highland Opera House. This lodge is a creditable scion of one of the most popular and influential secret orders in this country. The members propose to celebrate the first year of their corporate existence by inviting their friends to rejoice with them, and a right royal time is assured to all. The banquet will be provided by Mine Host Perry, of the Leland.
Miss High 's dancing class will give a masquerade ball at their hall in Burroughs Block on Wednesday evening, the 23rd inst. Those who received invitations to the opening night of the class will consider themselves invited. Gentlemen's costumes can be procured of Miss High. Admission, gentleman and lady, 50 cents.
The musical entertainment given by the Presbyterian ladies in Highland Hall last evening was at too late an hour to be commented on in this issue, as the paper went to press the same evening. That their efforts met with gratifying success, we are prepared to believe, but the merits of the performance we must leave to the judgment of the auditors.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
A Card.
I wish to say to the citizens of Arkansas City and vicinity that I will be obliged to leave for Winfield, December 28, to take possession of the Rodecker gallery, having made contract for same some time previous to coming here, and want to say that I feel under many obligations to the citizens for their liberal patronage and the many courtesies shown while here. In conclusion I would say that those wishing my work done during the balance of my stay are respectfully invited to call and they shall receive prompt attention.
GEO. DRESSER, Photographer.
[Paper had Rodecker...thought it was Rodocker...???]
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
G. A. R. Election of Officers.
At an election of officers by the G. A. R. Post of veterans in this city, on Saturday evening, the following comrades were chosen to serve during the ensuing year.
Post commander: Philip A. Lorry.
Senior Vice commander: John Cook.
Junior Vice commander: Jacob Dunckle.
Officer of the day: Pat Franey.
Superintendent: G. W. Miller.
Surgeon: Dr. E. Y. Baker.
Chaplain: Rev. H. L. Lundy.
Officer of the guard: Philip Jones.
Inside guard: Aaron Hopp.
Outside guard: M. N. Sinnott.
The offices of adjutant and sergeant major being appointive, these selections will be made when the new officers are installed. Comrades
G. W. Miller and Frederic Lockley were elected delegates to the state encampment at Wichita, with Dr. Kellogg and A. B. Sankey as alternates. The installation takes place January 9th, and the veterans propose to make a time of it by inviting their friends to be present and partaking in an oyster supper. The exercises will be held in Highland Hall.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Estray Notice. I have taken up on my farm in East Bolton a span of mules mare mules one medium size sorrel, the other a dark brown. The owner can get them by proving property and paying charges.
J. A. WICKLINE, December 4, 1885.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Notice. I handle the genuine Wm. Roger silver-plated wear. Each article is stamped and guaranteed, and my bills will show that it is all shipped direct from the factory. E. L. McDOWELL, Jeweler.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
Notice. I want about 20,000 turkeys for Christmas, delivered here between the 12th and 18th of December. Will pay the highest market price for same. J. P. BADEN, Winfield, Kansas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 16, 1885.
AD. HOLIDAY GOODS. Just Received Two car loads of choice Holiday Goods especially adapted for Christmas Presents. Rocking Chairs of all sizes, Easy Chairs, Children 's Chairs, and a full line of Hobby Horses. Sofas and Lounges to suit the Purses of all. P. PEARSON.
Commercial Block - Opposite Post Office.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 23, 1885.
The Globe-Democrat ventures on the following explanation of Indian logic. It appears that the Cheyennes and Arapahoes are surprised and exasperated to learn that the action of the President in upsetting their lease system does not imply that the Government will go on paying them the large sums of annual rent money which they have been receiving from the cattlemen for several years past. They have an idea, evidently, that if it is thought best that their vacant and unproductive lands should not be longer leased for grazing purposes, then the loss thus put upon them should be made good in some other way, and it must be admitted that the process of reasoning by which the aboriginal mind reaches their conclusion is not entirely illogical.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 23, 1885.
Recent news from the Indian Territory affords good matter for a homily. The Cheyennes and Arapahoes are again becoming turbulent, we are told, and the cause assigned for their uneasiness is the loss of the money formerly derived from the cattle leases. Senator Dawes ought to be heard on this latest development. We have learned from that sagacious statesman what a mild mannered folk the Cheyennes were until the rude cowboys with their herds taught them evil ways. The money paid to them by the cattle owners which supplemented the scant supplies doled out to them by the Indian department, the Massachusetts humanitarian declared the root of all evil in the hands of that tribe, because they expended it in Winchester rifles and became dangerous with their increased power for mischief. The people of this locality, who understood the matter, knew that the cowboy, with his picturesque and unrestrained habits, was the true civilizer of the wild Indian. History has shown that a pastoral life is the first step from savagery to enlightenment, and men experienced in the Indian service have reported that the care of spotted buffalo was already engaging the energies of the untutored savage.
The cause of the trouble with the Cheyennes, as the Traveler has before insisted on, was their refusal to submit to enrollment. They had been reporting to the agent all the births in the tribe and concealing the deaths, and the result was they were drawing for more pesons than really existed. They threatened the life of Agent Dyer when he endeavored to make an enumeration, and when a big war chief like Sheridan appeared amongst them with an overwhelming force of cavalry, the native wit of the red men taught them to disguise their truculence by declaring that the cowboy on their reservation was the rock of offense. The commander of the army saw through this subtlety, but he had an old grievance of his brother Mike 's to avenge, so he recommended to the President that the herds with their attendants be ordered away.
Anybody with half an eye could see what would follow. The actual count of the Cheyennes showed 3,377 individuals, instead of 5,000, as they had hitherto been drawing for, and 1,300 Arapahoes instead of 2,300, as the ration table had supplied. This put them on short commons, and the cattle herds being removed, they no longer had the resort of shooting a few steers when their larder stood in need of replenishing. The $90,000 annual lease money being also withdrawn, it necessarily left them in bad shape, and the discontent that was predicted is already made manifest.
The Swedish chancellor (Oxenstiern) made the remark to his son, It is astonishing with how little wisdom the world is governed. President Cleveland thought to show some sagacity in his rule, and has frequently said he was willing his administration should be tested by his conduct of Indian affairs. But he has made a nice mess of it in starting out. That he should be misled by trusted advisers is less his fault than his misfortune. But there is no excuse for the pharisaical Massachusetts senator, who has been over the ground, and made public proclamation of his knowing it all. He has simply had in the record he bore, and this speedy exposure of his mendacity shows that in the indulgence of spite he was ready to forfeit whatever claims he may have made to statesmanship. But the whirligig of time brings about its own revenge.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 23, 1885.
A Brief Disquisition on Pork Packing Braden &, Punshon's Enterprise.
In a growing western community there is always some danger of the town outgrowing the surrounding country. Owners of town property, and the businessmen combine in an effort to boom the town, and as there are always thousands of people in search of a location who are attracted to a place by the noise it makes in the world, there is a constant accretion of non-producers who seek to live by exchanging the products of others. When the mercantile interest is as fully represented as existing conditions will admit of, then the necessity exists for developing home industries. Horace Greeley's pet notion was the establishment of the workshop by the side of the grain field, but although he devoted his life to the advocacy of this idea, the results he accomplished were far from satisfactory.
The want of home industries is dwelt on with earnestness by every man in Arkansas City who desires to see it attain permanent growth. To be the terminus of a railroad division is eagerly sought by some in order to have a round house, section hands, repair and paint shops, and other such works maintained in our midst, with the scores (perhaps hundreds) of laborers they would employ.
A canning factory is thought well of, fruits and vegetables growing in abundance around us, and the Indian agencies and cattle ranches creating a certain demand.
Pork packing is another promising industry, as it is utter waste and a manifest absurdity to send our hogs to Kansas City or St. Louis to be slaughtered, and returned to us in the shape of hams, sides, breakfast bacon, and lard. The various operators engaged in this process and the cost of transportation, nearly double the price of the hog products to the consumer. But there seems to be an unwillingness on the part of hog raisers to cure their own meats. They tell of men in this city and in Winfield who have experimented in the business and always come out losers. The climate some say is not favorable to the packing business, others lay it to the salt, yet others say the proper process of curing has not been followed. But whatever the cause, the fact remains that serious losses have been made by several who have attempted pork packing in this county, and this deters others from further exploiting the business.
L. H. Braden, however, has the nerve to make another attempt. Having 350 fine hogs which he found almost valueless in the market, he determined to utilize them in his own way. Waiting till cool weather, and associating with himself, J. H. Punshon in the enterprise, he hired the cool and commodious basements under the Burroughs' building for a packing house, and about a month ago began killing eight or ten choice hogs a day, which he found as many as he could handle. When thoroughly stiff and cold, the carcasses are removed to the improvised packing house where the hams are cut and trimmed, the spare ribs sliced out, and the meat subjected to the dry salting process. Messrs. Braden &, Punshon, with the assistance of an experienced old countryman, named Robert Fulton, do the work themselves. The shoulder blade is removed and the bacon sides laid on boards and thoroughly salted, this process being carefully followed for three weeks or a month. When fully cured they are laid away in stacks, and the operation continued on fresh arrivals.
The curing of the hams is regarded as the most ticklish part of the business. The mass of solid meat is found hard to permeate with salt, the hip joint and the knuckle offering impediments to the curative process. But our parties seek to obviate this by removing a good portion of the aitchbone, and deftly severing the thigh bone, into which fracture they introduce salt petre. The utmost skill and care are used in the work, the trimming is done with an unsparing hand, and Mr. Fulton shows himself an expert in the finishing touches he puts on his hams.
This experiment is watched with interest by a number of men engaged in the hog industry, and if it shall prove a success, evidence will be afforded that meats can be packed here in spite of climatic peculiarities, and we may look to see others embark in the enterprise who will exercise equal judgment and care.
We should have mentioned that Braden &, Punshon have already treated two hundred hogs, and their season will be completed when they have laid away 150 more.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 23, 1885.
Home Manufactures.
We recently visited the Foundry and Machine Shop of Danks Bros., of our city, and desire to call special attention to its importance, as an institution of which our citizens may well be proud.
Since purchasing the property in March last, they have not only rebuilt the old machinery, but put in a complete stock of steam water and gas fittings, also machinists ' and engineers ' brass goods, such as globe, angle, and check valves, oil cups, lubricators, gauge glasses, packing sheet rubber, cotton waste, and in fact a general line of machine supplies. Their machine tools consists of a large and small lathe, planer, drill press, and a complete set of small tools, taps, dies, etc., such as are found in every first-class shop.
They have lately built for themselves a new 12-horsepower steam engine, which is the first built in Cowley County. It is admired by everyone who visits the shop, and would do credit to any engine builder in the country.
The Danks Bros., make it their invariable rule to do nothing but first-class work, and not only their new engine, but all the work they have turned out, fully insures the carrying out of this rule. Their engine is supplied with steam from a new 15-horsepower boiler of the most approved vertical type, and not only furnishes the motive power for the machine tools, but also blast for their improved blacksmith hearth, which is the largest in the city, and not only adapted to small work but especially to heavy machine forgings.
Seeing the necessity for something more than a machine shop, the Danks Bros., have just started the most complete iron and brass foundry in Southern Kansas, giving her citizens the advantage of a Kansas City or St. Louis, right at their own doors. The first cast of iron was made in the foundry on Thursday last, and their familiarity with that business is attested by the fact that not one casting was lost, and the cupola with all its appliances worked as perfectly as if they had rehearsed a year for this special occasion. The cupola is a novelty in its line, being mounted on trunnions so that it can be cleaned out without dropping the bottom, and three or four heats can be made each day if desirable. Casting day will, until further notice, be every Wednesday. This establishment is now fully prepared to take orders for brass castings up to 100 lbs. each, and iron castings up to 500 lbs. each. Also to build steam engines, models, and special machinery for all purposes, also to make plans, patent office drawings, etc.
Those wanting machinery or supplies of any kind will do well to consult these gentlemen before ordering, and by having the benefit of their experience, they will not only save in first cost, but escape many annoyances that come from not fully understanding what is best suited to their purpose.
As this is the first and only foundry in Cowley County, our citizens should see that it is well patronized, as its continued success is of vital importance to all.
Our city has arrived at that stage of progress when she cannot afford to stand still. The agricultural surroundings are not surpassed by any city in Kansas, and can be depended on to yield a rich harvest annually. This industry will be the main spoke in our wheel of progress. Yet it is high time we were turning our attention to home manufactures, so as to check the tide of manufactured articles that flows in every year from the East not by discouraging their use, but by making them at home where we can retain the wealth that now goes to build up eastern cities, many of which are not as well located for the purpose as our own. This will also create a market for our home produce, of which manufacturing cities are large consumers.
Besides the machine shop and foundry just mentioned, we have the steam wood working establishment of Beecher &, Co., where all kinds of wood turning, scroll sawing, etc., are carried on, and which we learn will be enlarged and new machinery added in Spring.
We are located near the ample coal fields of the Indian Territory, which will soon be available, and as a good start is worth everything in the race for a manufacturing center. Let us hope our board of trade will take this matter up along with their other good works and give our home manufacturing interests a boom.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
The Danks Bros., made a successful run of another heat yesterday.
G. W. Miller took a flying trip to Wichita on Monday, and returned home yesterday.
The hotels and restaurants announce an extra dinner for Christmas. Turkeys and mince pies will be at the call of all.
The city schools close today for the holidays and reopen the first Monday after New Year 's.
M. B. Vawter returned last week from his trip to the south, having taken in the New Orleans exposition.
Geo. E. Hasie will leave home today to take a two weeks visit to the south. Urgent business calls him away.
The dimension lumber for the new buildings in the burnt district arrived last week, and building operations are resumed.
Lieut. Bellinger, of the Fifth U. S. Cavalry, was in town on Thursday last, and started to rejoin his troop at the Ponca Agency.
J. E. Baker, of Caldwell County, Missouri, brother to Dr. E.Y. Baker, is on a visit to the city, and is looking round with a view to locating.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
H. H. Perry, of the Leland, has rented rooms in the Hasie block and is furnishing them in handsome style. His family seems to have outgrown his domicile.
Gen. H. Heath, of Washington, was in the city on Saturday, and left the following day for the Qua Paw Reservation. He is investigating the condition of Indian schools. [THINK IT SHOULD BE QUAPAW!]
The case of the state against Jerry McGee, charged with arson in setting fire in the Leland Hotel, was called in the district court on the 17th inst., and set for trial today.
The city council was in session nearly four hours on Monday evening, our report shows that considerable business of an important character was brought up before it for consideration.
Hank Mowry 's case came up in the district court on Thursday, and by consent of both parties the trial was continued till next term of court. His bonds were fixed at $7,000, which were furnished.
Miss Florence Patterson, teacher in the fourth ward school, left on Thursday for Beattie, Marshal County, to attend the bedside of a sick sister. Miss Effie Gilstrap, a pupil in the high school, teaches the class during her absence.
Charles Grimes has accepted an engagement as assistant in C. D. Brown 's new drug store in Atlanta, Cowley County. Mr. Brown called in and made our acquaintance yesterday, subscribed for the Traveler, and left an order for job work.
Peter Pearson is doing an active holiday trade, his line of goods selected for the present season being extensive and adapted to all trades. He is constantly adding to his large stock of furniture and cabinet ware, and his ample warerooms are filled to repletion.
Frank Greer, the stirring local of the Courier, was so impressed with the ball given by the Knights of Pythias on Friday that he declares all differences between Arkansas City and Winfield healed, and predicts that harmony will mark the future relations of the two cities.
The Telegram issues a double sheet, with the President 's message thrown in as a supplement, and its proprietors are to be complimented on their enterprise. An ornate and highly imaginative notice of Winfield occupies two pages of the issue.
Brown &, Hitchcock, bootmakers, at their new stand a few doors south of the Occidental, have laid in a choice supply of moroccos and French calf, for ladies ' and gentlemen 's ware, and are now turning out some elegant work. Call on them and see their styles, and treat yourself to a superior article.
The ladies of the U. P. Church will give a turkey dinner on Christmas day, and supper with oysters on Chrristmas night. A choice selection of fancy articles will be exhibited for sale. Value received will be guaranteed to patrons for what they pay. Don 't make other arrangements for dinner or supper on Christmas.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Peter J. Brogan, employed on J. H. Sherburne's ranch, and J. F. Christie, a herder in the Maine Cattle Company 's employ, came to town on Thursday, on their way east to spend the Christmas holidays. They both visited the Traveler office, and paid a year's subscription each, ordering the paper sent to the friends with whom they will stay. This is a pious example for others to imitate.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
The trial of Maud Pearson, one of the teachers in the city schools, on the charge of beating a scholar and inflicting serious bruises, resulted in the lady 's acquittal. The father of the boy who was beaten was the prosecutor, and being unable to pay the costs of the suit, was committed to jail until the costs, amounting to $78, were paid. He was committed to jail on Monday, and on Tuesday a subscription was raised amounting to about $80 to pay the costs. Among those who donated liberally were all the teachers in the public schools, including Miss Pearson, the lady who had been tried. Winfield Telegram.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
A party of Nimrods from Kansas City, consisting of J. F. Riley, John Bishop, Emil Work, N. B. Childs, Charles Bassett, and Bartho. Levitt, started out from the Occidental (where they provisioned) on Sunday, to wage war on the game in the Indian country. They were a jolly party and bent on enjoyment whether luck favored or not. They chartered three wagons and teams, loaded up with 1,500 lbs. Of provisions and supplies, and propose to spend two weeks in their hunt. If their vehicles do not hold all the game they kill, they can have the surplus brought in by freighters.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Col. Crandall, from Fort Reno, was in town last week, and visited the Traveler office in search of back numbers of the Globe-Democrat, thinking they might contain orders from the war department. He reports matters perfectly secure at Cheyenne Agency, there being troops enough present to suppress any uprising that might occur. One hundred and fifty of the most active warriors of that tribe are in government employ as scouts, and are doing useful service. He reports discontent at the loss of the grass money, and admits there may be suffering from diminished rations, but this grim old millitaire evidently is not a philanthropist, and his sole trust is in carbines to keep the hungry red man quiet.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
W. D. Bishop is in town from the Ponca Agency.
Dr. Alexander advertises board and furnished rooms on North Summit Street.
Col. E. B. Townsend came up from his ranch on Saturday, and spent a few days in the city.
We are pleased to see Mrs. Ashton on the street again, after her long and severe suffering from erysipelas in the hand.
Capt. Bogardus, his son, E. C. Borgardus, and W. L. Bates returned on Sunday from their visit in the territory, and journeyed eastward.
The Women 's Relief Corps of Arkansas City hold their election of officers next Saturday, the 29th inst. A full attendance of members is requested.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Elder Broadbent will preach in Springside schoolhouse, on Sunday next, the 27th inst., at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. There will be preaching services also in the evening.
L. W. Currier, the merchants' night police, is about again, after two weeks ' confinement to the house with sickness, but he has not yet recovered strength to resume his duties.
A poor but deserving woman, with a family of three children, came to this city from one of the western territories a few days ago, and has taken up her abode with this editor.
Those stone crossings on Summit Street at the junction of Fifth Avenue leave cavities in the road north and south, which require filling. The settling of the melted snow there makes deep sloughs.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
The Leavenworth Times calls Winfield one of the most enterprising towns in Kansas. To prove the assertion it tells of a meeting being held there to secure the Douglass bob-tail line, and as all the aid had been voted that the law would allow, a private subscription was taken and $800 [? COULD BE $600 ?] raised. The Santa Fe wants $60,000 to extend the branch.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
This office has turned out some new printing for the Reading Club, organized in this city last week. It contains a dozen or so members, who will supply themselves with the choice serial literature of the day. This is a useful introductory step to the establishment of a public library. The intelligent citizens of Arkansas City should take time to read more.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
The Poncas held a council on Monday, the object of the meeting being to prepare a petition to the great father in Washington, asking him to revoke the license given to the new trader, W. C. Hodges, whom they do not take kindly to, and to renew the license of their old trader, Joseph H. Sherburne, so that he may continue his stay amongst them.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
The grapes are sour. When the Oklahoma craze was at its highest, it was counted flat blasphemy for anyone to say that a single acre of that coveted land was not the finest under the sun for tillage. But the boom is busted, and Oklahoma scrip is down to zero. Now we are told by several boomers returned from Oklahoma that the soil is sterile and the climate drouthy, and the choice between Oklahoma and hell is a hard one to make.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Coal Discovery.
Coal of good quality and in paying quantity has recently been found in Ford County, near Dodge City, and Wellington and Newton are going to bore for coal. Wichita has a fifteen hundred foot hole in the ground, but no coal. Coal veins of eighteen inches in depth are being worked near Cedarvale, twenty miles east of this place, and it is said there is an eighteen inch vein on Drury Warren 's farm, at the mouth of Grouse Creek, also a six inch vein in the bed of the Arkansas River, near Probasco 's farm, on Grouse. Again there are indications on the Walnut River, within one mile and a half of town, which makes coal a certainty here if it was only developed.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
City Market.
Corn per bu.: $.30
Wheat, per bu.: $.80 @ $.85
Oats, per bu.: $.25
Potatoes, per bu.: $.85
Hogs, per cwt.: $3.00
Chickens, per doz.: $2.25
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
In the list of real estate transfers published in the Democrat last week, the following item is given.
Edward Grasy et ex to Albert A. Newman, lots 11 and 12, blk 70, Arkansas City, $3,000.
Will the obliging editor send an expert around to explain this remarkable entry?
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
An Amended Water Works Proposition Adopted.
A Busy and Protracted Session.
City council met at 7 o'clock on Monday evening, the mayor presiding, all the members present, except Capt. Thompson.
The following bills were acted on. [NEXT FOUR LINES 99% OBSCURED.]
Pickle &, Perrine, $13.00, allowed.
F. Lockley, $17.63, allowed.
E. D. Eddy, $11.25, allowed.
County bills.
Mary Terrill, board of paupers, $15.00, approved.
Peter Pearson, burial of paupers, $50.50, approved.
S. F. Steinberger, $6.00, approved.
The following petition was read to the council.
Arkansas CITY, KANSAS, December 15, 1885.
To the Hon. Mayor:
We the undersigned citizens of Arkansas City respectfully request that city ordinance No. 3 be so amended as to read that all auctioneers of dry goods, hardware, boots and shoes, clothing, hats and caps, furnishing, fancy goods and notions, agricultural implements, wagons and buggies, jewelry, groceries, drugs, and all other goods carried by legitimate business houses of this city shall pay a license of $25 per day. We pray the honorable Mayor and council to act immediately on this matter in the interest of the businessmen of Arkansas City.
Ridenour &, Thompson
Youngheim &, Co.
Mrs. W. M. Henderson
John Gallagher
O. P. Houghton
S. Matlack
J. W. Hutchison
N. T. Snyder
And many others.
The matter was debated at considerable length. Councilman Dunn said he was desirous to act for the best interests of the city, to protect the rights of the buyer as well as those of the seller. He believed in free competition, low prices were a benefit to the consumer though they might cut down the profits of the merchant. He was not a buyer of cheap auction goods himself, but he was acquainted with some who were, and he mentioned several cases where a large saving was effected in the price of goods.
Mr. Dunn was in favor of keeping peddlers and auctioneers in wagons off Summit Street. They gathered large crowds around them and impeded travel. But the petition just read he thought was directed more particularly against men who came here to sell bankrupt stock. They paid the taxes imposed by the city, and he didn 't know how you could get at them.
Mr. Prescott said it was a question in his mind whether the council could stop their operations.
Mr. Hill said the law will not allow you to impose a license of $25 a day, it was oppressive.
The mayor said this class of merchants can evade any kind of tax you choose to impose. The man who puts up goods at a certain price and comes down to the views of his customers, who offers an article for sale at $1, then falls to 75 cents, 50 cents, and finally sells it for two bits, is not an auctioneer in the eyes of the law, and the courts have many times so decided.
On motion the petition was referred to a special committee to be chosen by the mayor. His honor named Messrs. Hight, Prescott, and Dunn. The two first named asked to be excused, and gave their reasons.
The mayor stated, Everybody else would be in the same fix, I guess the committee is good enough as it stands.
A petition numerously signed was next read asking that a substantial bridge be built over the Water Power Co. canal on the grade made necessary by the railroad track on Central Avenue, also to have the railroad company grade that avenue so as to make a convenient and safe crossing over their track.
Mr. Hill being called on to express his views said the bridge asked for ought to be 36 feet wide and the road through the swamp should have a width of 40 feet. A large amount of material would be needed to fill in, and he didn 't know where it was to be obtained, certainly not within a reasonable distance. He would have a wide avenue opened through the swamp, and a sluice hole made to let the water off. It was necessary the swamp should be removed. The city is growing, and here is a fever hole diffusing infection. The level of the Arkansas River is seven feet lower, and the swamp could be drained into the river by means of a ditch.
Mr. Prescott. What would be the cost of such a ditch?
Mr. Hill. The cost would not exceed $250.
After an informal debate, the petition was referred to the committee on streets and alleys.
Mr. Hight said the people on Central Avenue want cross walks. The council was familiar with the bad condition of the road there, and the crossings asked for were needed. Labor and material are cheap now, and the work could never be done more advantageously. He moved that four crossings be put in.
Mr. Bailey. What is the matter with Fourth Avenue? Why can't the people there have crossings?
Mr. Prescott said a number of property owners living on Eighth Avenue were willing to lay sidewalks in front of their lots, but they first desired to have a grade established.
Mr. Dean remakred that every time a survey was made, a different level was reached. The present county surveyor might establish one grade, but his successor would give a different one. The matter went over without motion.
Mr. Hill wanted the road leveled in the fourth ward in front of the schoolhouse. He would cut down the knoll and fill the hollow. Referred to the road commissioner.
Mr. Hight objected to the ordinance defining the fire limits as ironclad in its provisions, it allowed no discretion to the council. When a person wants to put up a small frame building, there was no authority to grant permission.
Mr. Prescott asked how reducing the fire limits to the alleys would do?
Mr. Hight said that would admit of barns being built in the rear of valuable stores, and endangering their safety.
Mr. Prescott said that bringing in the fire limits to within 30 or 40 feet of the alleys will allow lot owners on Sixth and Eighth Streets to erect frame buildings in front of their lots. Referred to the ordinance committee.
The Mayor said that while in St. Louis recently, he had called at the office of the Inter-State Gas Co., to learn whether they had accepted the franchise offered them to furnish water works for Arkansas City. He saw Mr. Putter, and that gentleman objected to several provisions contained in Ordinance No. 26. The section in regard to hydrants was not speci fic, too many fire alarms were requested, and the bonds to be given for the faithful performance of the work were made perpetual. The company had prepared an ordinance for submission to the city council, revoking the former one, substantially alike in character, except that the size of the pipe had been cut down. Three and a half miles of pipe are to be laid, the company agreeing to put in two supply pipes of 18 inch capacity from the works to the main on Summit Street. Then they agree to lay 1,700 feet of 8 inch pipe, 2,380 feet of 6 inch, and the remainder not to be less than 4 inch. Fifty hydrants will be furnished of a specific cost, and the rest of the contract is in harmony with the published ordinance.
The proposal being read it was submitted to a searching discussion. Messrs. Hill, Dean, Dunn, and Prescott did not like the cut in the size of the pipe, it left too much of the four inch variety.
The mayor said the proposal of the company was before them to do with as they pleased, he understood it to be their wilfullness. There was no use in the council amending it because the company would accept no modification, it must be approved or rejected as it stands. Having been read over the first time and the changes from the published ordinance noted, it was then read a second time by sections and adopted, and then adopted as a whole. The votes on the final passage being: ayes Bailey, Davis, Hill, Hight. Noes Dean, Dunn, Prescott.
Mr. Hill, in explaining his vote, said he was not satisfied with the proposition, he thought a cheaper service could be obtained. But he felt assured that if it was rejected, we should be burdened and impoverished with our present system for another year. He also has regard for the faithful labors of Mayor Schiffbauer in endeavoring to procure an adequate water supply, and since that gentleman was confident in his belief that the company we were dealing with would give us a better service than their proposition set forth, he would defer in his judgment, and hence he had voted aye.
The council adjourned at 10:45 p.m.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Knights of Pythias Ball.
The anniversary ball given by the Knights of Pythias in Highland Hall on Friday evening was, as the Winfield Courier characterizes it, a grand affair. The committees to whom the preparations for the festivity were assigned, determined to make it the social event of the season, and they spared neither money nor labor in carrying out their ends. Invitations were sent to acceptable citizens in this city, Winfield, and other parts of the county, and so hearty was the response to the call that 115 tickets were readily sold. Ten couples and a few odd bachelors came in from Winfield on a special train, and the orchestra came down from Wichita. By 9 o'clock fully 100 couples were on the floor, many of the ladies dressed in elegant costumes and their beaux attired in conventional style. The orchestra discoursed music from the stage, and parlor games, such as cribbage and chess, were provided for those who were tired of the light fantastic. The arrangements of the ball were admirable, no pains being spared to secure the enjoyment of every participant. The reception committee Messrs. Landes, Huey, H. P. Farrar, Pyburn, George, and Balycat performed their duties with assiduity and grace, and the floor managers were equally efficient in their supervision.
Dancing was kept up till 11 o 'clock with interest and animation, when a portion of the company withdrew to partake of supper at the Leland Hotel. In preparing the banquet Mine Host Perry displayed his customary liberality and taste as a caterer, but the dining hall being inadequate to provide for so large a company, the guests were entertained in divisions. This broke into the dance arrangements, and the interruption was continued for several hours.
About seventy persons sat down to the first tables, which were bountifully supplied with every delicacy, and the table service was perfect. These guests, satisfied, returned to the ball room, and a second relay filled the dining hall. When they had partaken their meal, the tables were again set for a third company. The supper thus eaten in detail consumed nearly three hours, and the program was abandoned, miscellaneous dances being substituted. But this no way marred the enjoyment of the company.
The revelry was kept up to the wee hours, and when the company finally broke up, all admitted that the enjoyment of the night was unalloyed and long to be remembered. The Winfield folks returned home at 3 o'clock on a special train over the Kansas City &, Southwestern road, and our own citizens repaired to their several abodes. The anniversary hall was a gratifying success, and the Knights of Pythias have won honor for the handsome and successful manner in which they carried it through.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
A Traveling Faker.
Perhaps the most bared and successful fraud that ever visited this city was the man who calls himself Ned Parker, and who held forth in Highland Hall two evenings last week. His game was of the thimble rig variety. Envelopes containing a few pens were offered for sale, in which he professed to place bank notes, ranging in denomination from $1 to $50. Having a tempting display of these notes on the table before him, and being an adept in the slight of hand art, he deceived his eager auditors by pretending to place money in the envelopes with lavish prodigality, and throwing in $20 and $50 bills as a bonus to the purchaser of his legitimate ware. It was gambling open and manifest, but he claimed he was getting round the law against that practice by selling his pens at one dollar a package, and throwing the money in without consideration. The hall was crowded both evenings, and money was staked with a profusion that astonished all beholders. The scarcity of money is a complaint on everybody 's tongue, tradesmen cannot collect their bills, and outstanding book accounts threaten ruin to half the mercantile community. Yet this charlatan had the power to untie the purse-strings of his audiences, and it is estimated that he carried away $750 of the money of his credulous victims. People who stand off a tradesman's bill with utter indifference would pass $5 after $5 to that sharper, as though they had a bank vault to draw from. The clamor against street peddlers and jewelry canvassers would be more properly directed against such frauds and confidence operators as this man Parker. We understand he was driven out of Wichita as soon as his swindling errand became known, and we blame our city officers for culpable laxity in allowing him to practice his game here. The hall should not have been prostituted to any such base purpose.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Retirement of S. B. Fleming.
The members of the First Presbyterian Church in this city are in tribulation over the impending loss of their pastor, Rev. S. B. Fleming. A call has been made to this gentleman from Wichita to take charge of a preparatory theological academy, and as Mr. Fleming has experience and aptitude as a teacher, he has accepted. He tendered his resignation to the session of the church a few days ago, and it was accepted, unwillingly, but as a duty and in the interest of the church at large. Next Sunday the action of the session will be submitted to the congregation for approval. This zealous and talented preacher has filled his present pulpit for ten years, working faithfully in the cause of his Master and preaching His word with acceptance. The retirement of so good and useful a man will be a loss to the city, but as the call is to a position of more enlarged usefulness, the deprivation must be submitted to for a greater gain.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Election of Officers.
The following officers were elected at the last regular meeting of Crescent Lodge No. 138, at Masonic Hall, Saturday evening, December 19th.
W. M.: Charles Hutchins.
Senior Warden: C. Meade.
Junior Warden: Fred Hawk.
Treasurer: Calvin Dean.
Secretary: S. C. Lindsay.
The offices of Wenior and Junior Deacons, Senior and Junior Stewarts, and Tyler will be reappointed and all installed on or before January 27th.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 23, 1885.
Closed on Christmas.
We, the undersigned, agree to close our respective places of business during the entire day on the four national holidays: New Year's Day, July 4, Thanksgiving day, and Christmas day.
A. A. Newman &, Co.
Ochs &, Nicholson
S. Matlack
O. P. Houghton
Youngheim &, Co.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
$2,000 REWARD
For five men, four women, and three small boys.
The last seen of them they were looking for the New Store that is opened in the Burroughs ' Stone Block, South Summit Street, where goods have been sold at the purchaser's own prices. I am still here and propose to give the people of the surrounding country a chance to buy gods at such bargains as were never offered them before.
Underwear, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Gloves and Mittens, Ladies Jersey caps and jackets, fine line of woolen blankets, horse blankets, shelf hardware, rubber boots, hunting boots, ladies and gent's overshoes, etc.
I am selling goods so cheap that the merchants of Arkansas City are alarmed and have petitioned the city council to impose a tax of $25 a day with the view to drive me away.
and give more goods for $1.00 than other merchant in this city. Come and examine my goods before purchasing elsewhere. Come one, come all, and improve your grand opportunity.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
The Life and Services of a Pioneer Evangelist.
We have received an interesting little volume, entitled Memorials of Henry Brace Norton, who was well known to the earlier inhabitants of Arkansas City, as the editor of this journal. His life and labors in this city are thus described in the biography, which forms part of the Memorials.
A colony town was projected on the southern border of Kansas, in Cowley County, next to the Indian Territory. The settlers were mainly from Emporia, and they urged Mr. Norton to go with them, to which he was led the more readily by the fact that his brother was one of the colonists and was beginning mercantile business with the settlers. Here, on the banks of the Arkansas river, from which the new town was finally called Arkansas City, Mr. Norton put his hand to every new effort. He and his soldier brother built the first house of logs and the first store. They surveyed roads, they planned the townsite, they started the first newspaper, with the printing press in an open shed.
The Indians, who had suffered so much from the rascality of the Indian traders, and whom the government was trying to protect, liked to deal with Mr. Norton and his brother. As the friend of those early days, Judge Kellogg, writes: Osage, Kaw, Cheyenne, and Arapahoes were equally at home in Prof. Norton's store and Indian ranch in the territory, and the chiefs from the neighboring tribes were not infrequent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Norton, sharing the hospitalities of Mrs. Norton's table, and, wrapped in their blankets, spending the nights in the door-yard near the house, while Mr. and Mrs. Norton with their children slept in security, thus guarded. After a little he began to make journeys among them, while his brother maintained the store at headquarters. Then began a series of wanderings over the plains, among the wild tribes, which was the most remarkable of Mr. Norton 's many stange experiences. Many of you have heard him refer to it. Once or twice he made it the subject of a fascinating lecture, and his friends were never tired of drawing out these reminiscences. It is a thousand pities he did not write them out so that they might have been preserved. Farther and farther he struck out into the Indian Territory, till, finally, one winter he spent alone among the Apaches, one hundred miles or more from any other white man.
He removed to California in 1875, his family then consisting of a son and two daughters, and engaged in normal school work in San Jose. His educational labors, which seem to have extended over a good portion of the state, and work in the Congregational pulpit employed his time and taxed his energies during the remaining ten years of his life.
The style of the narrative is too unutterably too to suit the ordinary reader, but we gather from it that the consecration of the subject of the memoir to his evangelical and secular work made him a power for good in the communities among whom he wrought, and left his memory, as a sweet incense in the minds of his fellow laborers.
Prof. Norton 's useful labors were cut short by sickness at Gilroy, and after a week's suffering he breathed his last. He died June 22nd last, aged 49 years. The Memorial, beside the biography above mentioned, contains a graphic account of the funeral and the addresses delivered on that occasion, extracts from his letters and pulpit discourses, and several creditable specimens of his verses. The press of California speaks in the highest terms of the character and attainments of the deceased, the following from the Alta being a fair specimen of the eulogies so unsparingly bestowed.
The death of Professor Henry B. Norton of the Normal School removes a man of brilliant mind and high attainments. No one superior to him has yet been connected with educational work in this state. To his pupils he was known as something more than a man of original ideas and eloquent speech, he was a personal friend, and commanded the love and enthusiastic admiration of students as few teachers ever do.
The little volume is published in the interest of this excellent man 's four children, to aid in their education, as they are left with slender means. It contains 110 handsomely printed pages, with a short portrait of the professor. The price, in paper covers, is 75 cents, bound in french morocco, $2.50. Orders for the same may be sent to Rev. C. W. Hill, care of Prof. Charles H. Allen, San Jose, California.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
How President Cleveland is Foiled in His Intention to Improve Things.
William de Lesdernier is the last victim of the official ax. He has held the position of sub-agent at Otoe for some years, performing his duties efficiently and with due regard to the welfare of the Indians committed to his charge. Agent Osborne, we are informed, was content to retain him, recognizing the fact that politics do not belong to the Indian service, and that a fit man should be retained no matter what his political belief. But the scramble for office in Washington is so irresistible that merit has no regard and precedent is trampled under foot. It is obvious to common sense that an Indian agent who is held responsible for the acts of his subordinates, should be allowed the selection of these subordinates, and they should be accountable to him for their conduct. This rule has hitherto been followed, and certainly with satisfactory results.
Take the Pawnee school as an example. Under its former superintendent the school was admirably conducted, and more than one school inspector has cited it as a model institution. When Mr. Mackenzie succeeded to Capt. Reese Pickering in charge of the agency, he removed the assistant teacher to find a place for his wife. This was not in the direction of civil service reform, but it was excusable because we can understand that the party now in power is fully cognizant of its uncertain hold on office, and every prudent official will improve his fleeting opportunity. But both the agent and the sub-agent were confused by the removal of the superintendent and the appointment of a successor who showed no fitness for his duties. The lady expected to be helped along by her superior until she was able to run alone, but here were two inexperienced persons, with no training for school duties and both ignorant of Indian nature. The result is the complete demoralization of the school, and serious detriment to the Indian service.
President Cleveland has the credit of being a sincere civil service reformer, and his declarations on the subject have the flavor of sound morality. But there is a hungry, clamorous party to be provided for, who are provoked to extremest ire at what they call the president's infatuation, and in hundreds of appointments that he has made or countenanced, he was fully aware that his conduct was in conflict with his proposed intentions.
We have been censured for passing judgment on Mr. Branham, the newly appointed Superintendent of the Chilocco Indian school, before he had had opportunity to display his merits. We have never said one word derogatory to this gentleman as an honest, well-meaning man and a sincere Christian. As an evangelist among the red men he has shown zeal and usefulness, and there was his proper place. But we have exclaimed with becoming indignation against the sin of removing a man from that responsible office who, in addition to extensive business training, showed peculiar fitness for the work, and was carrying the school forward to success. Dr. Minthorn's superior administrative qualities were known and appreciated in the Indian bureau, he was allowed full power of appointment and dismissal, and his subordinates were subject to his control. As a consequence, the affairs of that multitudinous household ran like clock work. Each department was committed to competent hands, farm work was prosecuted on an extensive scale, the schools were in charge of excellent teachers, the feeding and clothing of the inmates were performed without effort, and order and regularity marked all the manifold details of the establishment. It was the doctor's intention, as the crude materials placed in his hands became more fusible, to increase the productiveness of his magnificent farm to such an extent that the school would not only have been self-supporting, but would have returned a surplus to the government.
Last year his corn crop was among the best raised in this region, his crop of oats was unsurpassed, and the kitchen garden supplied the table with abundance. Last fall he would have sown 200 acres in wheat, nearly that extent of ground having been plowed for the purpose, and workshops and other buildings were erected to bring the establishment up to its full standard of usefulness at an Indian training school.
But the doctor was removed by the marplot Lamar, (in spite of the protestations of Commissioner Atkins), and this well meaning missionary put in his place. It was obvious to common sense that the change was an unfortunate one, and that the public good has been sacrified to private preferment. The school suffers, and this important and interesting experiment is threatened with disaster. Visitors to the school and employees even, tell of the lack of order and untidiness that everywhere prevail, the schools are poorly taught, the culinary arrangements are defective, and the entire household seems at loose ends. Perhaps Superintendent Branham is not to blame for this. His predecessor was master of the situation, he demanded fitness and zeal in every employee, and the man or woman who was lacking in any essential, was promptly removed for one more competent. But this absolute control is taken out of Mr. Branham's hands, appointments to the school are made in Washington, and Secretary Lamar, being an avowed spoilsman, his sole cure is to provide places for the most importunate of his friends.
There is no need to go further into detail. Harm must result from the wholesale displacement of employees who are familiar with their duties and who take a pride in the success of the Indian service. To fill their places with men and women from the south, many of whom never saw a red man till they reached the territory, and whose sole object is to make all they can while their brief term of service lasts. President Cleveland may be credited with the honest desire to improve the administration of affairs, but he has to work through subordinates, and these latter are more industrious to feather their own best interests than to care for the condition of poor Lo.
Arkansas City Traveler, Wednesday, December 30, 1885.
Mayor 's Election Proclamation.
First ward: Office of Illinois Coal Co., North Summit Street.
Second ward: Office of Thompson &, Woodin, East Fifth Avenue.
Third ward: Office of J. H. Hilliard, West Fifth Avenue.
Fourth ward: Office of the City Libery Stable, West Central Avenue.
First ward: S. J. Rice, J. P. Eckles, and W. D. Kreamer as judges, and A. E. Kirkpatrick and M. B. Vawter as clerks.
Second ward: L. E. Woodin, J. J. Clark, and Chas. Bryant as judges, Oscar Titus and Dell Plank as clerks.
Third ward: James Benedict, M. C. Copple, and John Love as judges, F. Speers and Frank Thompson as clerks.
Fourth ward: S. C. Lindsay, A. A. Davis, and D. E. Sifford as judges, Alexander Wilson and Wm. Blakeney as clerks.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
B. F. Childs advertises a handsome base burner for sale.
Ad. An Art Garland, square, base heater a beautiful stove cheap. Have furnace, therefore no use for it. F. F. CHILDS.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
David LeClair, interpreter at the Ponca Agency, spent a few days in town last week.
Good news for housekeepers! A. F. Huse gets his coal over the
K. C. &, S. W. Railroad, and now sells at reduced prices.
Capt. C. G. Thompson returned home last week to spend Christmas with the family. During his absence he visited Colorado, California, and several of the territories.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
The Y. M. C. A. will hold a public devotional exercise in their rooms in the Commercial block on next Sabbath afternoon at 3 p.m. Subject: Prayer and Faith. Everyone will please bring his Bible and Gospel Hymns.
The Central Hotel is now placed in the business focus of the city, and as a consequence its tables are a general resort. The proprietor, A. E. Kirkpatrick, is radiant over his increasing business, and welcomes his guests with generous fare and hospitable smiles.
Frank Austin spent Christmas week with his family and friends in Leavenworth. He returned home yesterday, but Mrs. Austin will prolong her visit for several weeks. Joseph Smith, the convalescent salesman for Kroenert &, Austin, took hold during Frank 's absence.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
W. S. Prettyman [bottom] &, McFarland wish to announce through our columns that they have adjusted their light, grown familiar with their new instruments, and adapted themselves to all the conditions of their gallery. They invite the public to inspect their cabinets, where work is displayed that can be excelled by no photographer artist in the state.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Visitors to Caldwell during Christmastide report that city exceptionally quiet. Not a drunk gathered in by the cops, not a festive cowboy raised his barbaric yaup over the roofs of the world. But it was lively in this city and in Winfield, and a correspondent on this page indulges in some dry sarcasm at the expense of the places last named.
Keeping Christmas.
Holiday times infused increased life into the city, and the police court derived some benefit from the revelry. On Christmas Eve there was a lively scrimmage in Rosenberg 's restaurant, and the proprietor received a bad beating from some unruly customers. Douglas Shaw, Hayes Love, and James Moore were arrested for raising the racket, and were taken to the police court to settle with offended justice. The first named had to answer the charges of disorderly conduct and destroying property, he was assessed $9.50. The same charges were entered against Hayes Love, but the complaint was withdrawn on his paying $5 for property destroyed, and $4 cots. The charges against James Moore were drunkenness and assault. The mulct was $$17.50, against which he took an appeal.
Richard Hess came into collision with Jerry McGee, over the testimony given by the former in the arson case. Jerry is said to have been very abusive of Hesse, who was provoked to blows at his ill language. No serious harm was done by the fisticuffs, and no complaint was made.
Charles Basaw and Matson drank too fully on Christmas day, and while in Blubaugh 's billiard saloon, the two friends fell out with each other. They were ejected, and in front of the saloon Basaw attacked Matson with a pocket knife, but the blade bent with his thrusts, no serious harm was done. No arrests.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
The members of the Co-operative Farmers Exchange are paying their assessments, of which four of ten percent each have been made in order that funds may vbe in hand to go on with the building. The annual meeting of the association takes place on Tuesday next, Jan. 5, 1886, after which it is expected active building operations will commence.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Mrs. Marble appears to be making a success of her kindergarten school. She has twenty-four scholars enrolled, and has the little folks all greatly interested in their studies. This week the lady paid a visit to Wichita to purchase additional appliances for her work. She finds parents favor the enterprise, and she proposes to make the school as useful as money and application will admit of.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
The school board held a meeting (on Monday evening) and resolved to petition the mayor to call a special election for a vote to be taken on the issue of $16,000 of school bonds. The mayor's proclamation calling the election appears in another column. The uses to which the money derivable from the bonds is to be applied are set forth in the proclamation.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
H. H. Perry, mine host of the Leland, last week purchased 640 acres of improved farm land from D. L. Wright, of Chautauqua County. The land lies seven miles southwest of Sedan, and five miles from Elgin. Mr. Perry owns an adjoining piece of land, 200 acres in extent, and this investment of his makes it look as if he was going into the cattle raising industry.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Geo. H. Dresser, photographic artist, removes his studio to Winfield today. He has established a reputation in this city as a first-class workman, and many of his patrons regret his removal. Mr. Dresser has done a good business during his stay here, but being under contract to take Rodecker's gallery in Winfield, his change of base is a sort of legal necessity. Dresser is a useful citizen.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
R. E. Grubbs, the popular caterer, has fled, and a number of creditors are interested in his absence. He suddenly disappeared on the 16th inst., owing sundry bills, and borrowing $200 at the bank to help him on his way. His stock and fixtures have gone into the hands of a receiver and the belief is that Mr. Grubbs ' career in Arkansas City is over. In attempting to extend his business, our unfortunate neighbor seems to have got beyond his depth. The latest report is that he has gone off with a certain dancing teacher from a neighboring city.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
DIED. We regret to announce the death of Robert Clare, infant son of W. J. And Tabitha Canfield of this city. The child thus early snatched from their arms was born January 14, 1881. He was bright and precocious, and was the pet of the household. An affection of the throat proved beyond medical aid, and the little sufferer died on Sunday morning. Funeral services were held on Monday morning, Rev. S. B. Fleming officiating, and the body was buried in Hope Cemetery, Bolton Township. The afflicted parents have the sincere sympathy of their many friends.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
We mentioned last week that Rev. S. B. Fleming had tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of this city, having accepted the position of president of a preparatory theological seminary in Wichita. The subject was considered by the session of the church, who referred it to the presbytery, which body is summoned to meet in Wichita tomorrow (Thursday) to take action on the matter. The congregation express great reluctance to have their pastor leave after ten years of faithful service and offer as an inducement to him to stay an increase of salary. We trust this excellent preacher, under the pressure brought to bear, will reconsider the conclusion he has arrived at, because he is rewgarded as an Arkansas City institution, and his removal would be regarded as a loss to the community.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Last week a freighter floated a strip of red flannel from his wagon, as he carried a load of household goods, the property of a discharged employee at one of the agencies, in the direction of this city. What are you flying your flag for? A passer-by inquired. The Territory has gone democratic, was the ready reply, and I am bringing out the remains of the republican party. I thought we would have colors flying if we dispense with the beating of drums. This pretty correctly describes the situation. A few traders remain, appointed by a republican administration, and when their licenses expire and they are ejected from the Indian country, as unauthorized persons, the Territory will be solidly democratic, and a nice try there will be there the next three or four years.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Election. Creswell Lodge of Select Knights, A. O. U. W., held an election of officers last week with the following result.
S. C.: M. N. Sinnott.
V. C.: H. D. Kellogg.
Lt. C.: D. E. Sifford.
M.: P. Lorry.
S. B.: D. T. Kitchen.
R.: O. A. Tims.
R. T.: W. P. Wolfe.
Treasurer: L. H. Bonsall.
S. W.: Ed Ferguson.
J. W.: W. L. Sifford.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
The Women 's Relief Corps of this city held their annual election of officers on Saturday, the 26th. The following were elected.
President: Mrs. Ashton.
Senior Vice President: Mrs. Guthrie.
Junior Vice President: Mrs. Randall.
Chaplain: Mrs. Chapin.
Treasurer: Miss Sadie Pickering.
Conductor: Miss Nina Pickering.
Guard: Mrs. Blubaugh.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
New Hotel.
Mr. Smith, of Lyons, New York, who has been talking for some time of building a hotel here, broke ground for the purpose on Monday, and will go right along with the work. The location is on North Summit Street, corner of Seventh Avenue. The building will be of brick, three stories high, 50 feet front, by 80 feet deep, and an addition of 25 by 57 feet on the side facing on the avenue. The cost is estimated at $20,000. His son, William, is now here attending to the business, and declares his intention to give a house of public entertainment to our citizens that shall be first-class in every particular. The want of such a place has long been felt, and this wealthy New Yorker, in undertaking his present enterprise, may be classes as a public benefactor.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Judge Bryant 's Perplexity.
William Landers, a railroad laborer, was brought up before Judge Bryant a few days ago, charged with boisterous conduct. Fined $5 and costs, and committed in default of bail. As this item was being copied from the docket, the judge said: I discharged that man the same evening because I had no proper place to keep him. To send him to a hotel and keep a guard over him would be no punishment, and would cost more than it would come to. To send him to Winfield would also cost money, and that city would get the benefit of his labor. To keep him in the calaboose here, if the weather should turn cold, would be cruel, and there is danger of his getting sick on our hands. People complain of the laxity of the police court, but if this city would provide us with proper facilities, offenders could be properly dealt with and a revenue made for the city. Touch up this matter a little in your paper.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
The Chain That Binds.
On Christmas day John Landes was made the recipient of a handsome gold chain, presented by the employees of the Arkansas City Roller Mills. The presentation was made in the mill on the day named by the chief miller, on behalf of himself and fellow employees, with the following neat speech.
SIR: The employees of the Arkansas City Roller Mills Company desire to express to you through this little gift our appreciation of your services as manager of the mill, and to testify to the kind, considerate, and courteous treatment we have ever received from you. That this little chain may more closely unite together, in the golden links, employer and employee, and mutually advance the interests of each and be emblematic of the virtues of mind and heart of the recipient, are the best wishes of the donors.
This pleasant little manifestation took the worthy manager aback, but he rallied speedily and expressed his extreme gratification at the friendly sentiments spoken and the token given in testimony of the same. This is one of the incidents that crop out here and there, to bear witness that friendly relations may and do exist between the employer and his workmen, and in this case, it is the more pleasing because the friends of John Landes know that the commendation was no way fulsome.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Railway Strategy.
A party of surveyors numbering fifteen, in the employ of the Santa Fe road, and under the conduct of J. D. Wirt, came to the city on Monday and registered at the Leland Hotel. Their names are: J. D. Wirt, J. P. Prescott, J. C. Oliphant, A. E. Penley, A. C. Cooley, E. S. Strong, Edward Jack, J. H. Phillips, Arthur Marshall, L. Banter, Geo. Barrett, Will Cooley, C. W. Ojee, Arthur Spicer.
After spending two or three days in this city, fitting out for their expedition, they will start out for the territory to survey a route for the extension of the A. T. &, S. F. Road to Gainesville, Texas. The route to be taken will depend on the topography of the country. Mules, camp equipage, and transportation were furnished from Kansas City, and the survey will be pushed through with all possible speed. That some important name is on the chess board is evident from the fact that three prominent officials of the Frisco road passed Monday night in Arkansas City, and Mr. James Hill is now in Washington. The same day the board of trade of this city held a meeting, and decided to send Mr. A. A. Newman to Emporia, to interview Senator Plumb. Some strategic game is playing by the rival railroad interests, and what the outcome will be time will, in no long time, develop.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
Dangerous Adventure.
Our fellow townsman, J. L. Hill, and his brother, Robert, had a narrow escape from drowning last week. Coming in from their cattle ranch on Wednesday, to spend Christmas at home, they attempted the ford across the Chicaskia, notwithstanding the stream was booming. The ford runs upstream, coming from the south, and when the team took to swimming, the current carried them down until the animals became entangled in the boughs of a cottonwood tree. The two men took out their cheap knives to cut the harness in order to liberate the struggling animals. One was cut loose in time to save him, and he swam back and finally made his way to camp. The other was held fast by the polestrap, which could not be reached, and was dragged under and killed. The Hill Bros. were an hour in the water, which was freezing cold, and when they reached shore they made for Richmond 's camp, two miles distant, where they warmed and dried their clothes. Tom came home and spent Christmas with his family, but Robert stayed by the stream till the current fell, then he recovered the buggy, which was not much damaged, and borrowing a team and harness, drove back to the ranch. This was quite a dangerous adventure, and will perhaps teach them greater caution when a booming river forbids passage.
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
ORDINANCE NO. 27 [REPLACED NO. 26]...ORDINANCE THAT THE INTER-STATE GAS COMPANY INSISTED ON: TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT! AS POINTED OUT IN EARLIER ARTICLE, shall erect and pump a standpipe of the dimensions of ten (10) feet diameter and one hundred and fifteen (115) feet high ... 2 duplex pumps, etc. The size of the mains shall be as follows: Starting out from the works there shall be not less than ten (10) inch pipe extending to Summit street. There shall be 1,700 feet of eight inch pipe laid in Summit street and connecting with the 10 inch main, etc. ON THE WHOLE THE NEW ORDINANCE PRETTY MUCHLY WENT ALONG WITH THE OLD ORDINANCE. DID NOT TYPE UP THE NEW ORDINANCE!
Arkansas City Traveler, December 30, 1885.
From Our Exchanges.
Winfield Courier, the 24th. Judge Torrance momentarily stopped the mill of justice, yesterday, to give the bailiff a sound reproof and to remind all of our county officers and attorneys that whispering and other annoyances in court had got to stop short, never to go again. The courtroom has been as quiet as a church congregation ever since.
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