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Cowley County.
From the Arkansas TRAVELER.

Within two or three weeks the Traveler will be enlarged to a seven column paper.

OSAGES. The Osages have about completed their fall hunt and will return to their camping ground on the Shawkaska in a few days. Considering that the buffalo have been driven so far west, they have made a good hunt. There are about four hundred lodges in the whole tribe, and it is said they will average about twenty-five robes to the lodge. The main herd of buffalo is about one hundred and twenty miles west of Arkansas City. Straggling heads are found within a distance of thirty-five miles west. As the Indians return, the buffalo will follow, and by next spring the bulk of them will be within a radius of thirty miles west.

We learn from parties on the Grouse, that settlers are continually crowding into the Territory, near the mouth of Beaver Creek, on to the so called Cherokee Strip, and that some have made permanent improvements. It does not seem right to have this tract of land set aside and held for Indians when there is not an Indian residing on it; and if any should be located thereon, they would not be able to gain a subsistence, as all the game has been frightened off and the buffalo driven far from them. Let the lands that are occupied by the Indians be held for them, and those that are not occupied and never will be, be brought into market for the settler. Although this land is very fertile and would make the best of farms for the settler, an Indian would starve to death if he were compelled to stay on it.

From the Winfield MESSENGER.

The name of the Lone Tree Post Office, is changed to Little Dutch.

Mr. Foos will soon have his cheese factory in operation. He calculates to milk about one hundred cows. Mr. Evans of this place is engaged, and it being only three or four miles from Winfield, we may expect to buy our own home made cheese.

The citizens considering the welfare of our town and county have concluded to print ten thousand or more circulars, describing our county, its towns, streams, and resources. Their object in doing so is to attract the attention of eastern people to share our rich and fertile homes.

TISDALE. This enterprising little town as voted $1,300 bonds to build a good school house. They certainly mean business out that way, and they feel proud of their section of the country. They have two stores there at present, a shoemaker and a blacksmith shop. Persons desiring good claims can find them by going to this young town and making inquiries. The people are accommodating and will do all they can to assist you to a new house.

Winfield has twenty-six business houses including restaurants that do a small grocery trade, three blacksmith shops, three shoemakers, four saloons, two lumber yards, two meat markets, three hotels, one photographer [next], nine lawyers, two justices of the peace, three notary publics, two churches, one school house, besides its numerous dwelling houses. Its population is increasing daily. One year ago it did not have more than eight or ten houses, whereas, at present it must have houses enough to accommodate a population of between eight and nine hundred.


The Kansas & Nebraska railroad which this county voted bonds recently has changed its name, and is now called the St. Joseph, Kansas & Texas railroad. The route through Marshall County has been formally abandoned, and it is now proposed to build from St. Joseph to Manhattan, Junction City, and the southwest. Wm. M. Fliess, of New York, is President of the re-organized concern.

Kansas State Grange. We give, herewith, the names of the officers of the Kansas State Grange of the Patrons of husbandry. F. H. Dumbauld, Master, Jacksonville, Neosho County; Joshua Bell, Overseer, Robinson Brown county; G. W. Spurgeon, Secretary, Jacksonville, Neosho County; H. H. Angell, Treasurer, Sherman City, Cherokee County; L. J. Frisbie, Steward, Girard, Crawford; J. A. Cramer, Lecturer, Lawrence, Douglass County.

J. J. Nixon of Vernon Township is appointed depty for Cowley County.

The Agricultural Society voted to plant trees on their grounds, and chose H. Silver, S. C. Smith, and J. B. Fairbank to superintend the same. Any person interested in the proposition, who may wish to take part in planting trees will, at any time, find someone of the committee ready to assist.

Stockholders, and others, are requested to meet at the grounds Saturday, the 17th to repair the fence.

J. B. FAIRBANK, Sec'y.

New Photograph Gallery. Mr. T. M. Concannon has fitted up a Photograph gallery in Jackson's building, and is prepared to take your face as natural as life.

Mr. Concannon is an old artist, and will give you entire satisfaction.

Young man, go and get your picture and send it to the "gal you left behind you," and young lady, have yours taken also, and if you have no friends, give them to the printer. Look out for advertisement next week.



Wishes to inform the Citizens of Winfield and surrounding country that he has fitted up a Fine Photography Callery in Winfield. Where they can get any kind of a picture that is taken in the East or West, and on the shortest notice. Pictures of absent or deceased friends copied to any size, and colored up if desired. Pictures taken equally as well in cloudy as clear weather. After an experience of over sixteen years and the largest side and sky-light in Southern Kansas, he feels no hesitancy in saying he can please all. Pictures taken in from two to three seconds. Bring on your babies and have them taken while they are in health.

Rooms east side of Main Street in Jackson's building.
Instructions given in the Art on reasonable terms.


The inimitable Con. has just returned from Independence with something new of course. He brought back a large photograph of the "Scene of the Bender murder."

Read this week's correspondence from "Our Home," also one from the pen of a new correspondent, Thos. A. Walton, uncle of our Surveyor Walton), of Lawrence County, Ohio.

The ladies of the Congregational church and society will give an Ice Cream Social at the residence of Mrs. J. G. Bullene Wednesday evening Aug. 6th, 1873.

The July number of Meigs and Walton's Real Estate Record, published monthly at Arkansas City, in the Traveler office, is upon our table. It is neat in appearance, ably and spicily edited, and does credit to the office from which it emanates.


Cooler. Quite breezy. 107 degrees in the shade last Friday.
Refreshing shower last Monday.
The stone mill of C. A. Bliss & Co. will be in full operation the first of next week. [STONE MILL ???]

Rev. James E. Platter will preach in the Methodist church at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. on next Sabbath.

Mr. W. H. H. Maris has moved into his new house one half mile east of town, where he has a beautiful home.

The dwelling house of S. R. Sayers, three miles north of town, was last Saturday totally destroyed. A defective flue was the trouble.

Our enterprising butcher, J. G. Titus, has ninety head of young cattle which he is fattening for this market. He is also ready to buy hides, hogs, cattle, sheep, etc.

Our space will not permit an extended notice of the beautiful Photographs, etc., at Concannon's. He has been taking views of the whole town. Go up and see them.


Marris & Baldwin have moved into their new store room.

Two or three of the cells of the jail are now in readiness to receive and retain any of our citizens who can't behave themselves outside.

The disappointed candidates at the "farmers'" convention, now console themselves with the declaration that the convention was run by Amos Walton and Col. Manning.

There will be a dance at Thomasville tomorrow (Friday) evening, which everybody is cordially invited to attend. Tickets fifty cents, and supper the same.

The photograph artist, Concannon, intends to emigrate to Wellington, where he will stay two or three weeks and give the people of the wilderness a chance to have their visages transferred to cardboard for a reasonable consideration.


The grave yard petition is a corpse.

Bliss has four run of stone in operation steady. That must be bliss for somebody.

Concannon has his new photograph rooms fixed up in good style and is now ready for business.

We lodged two tramps from Arkansas City in this office last night, and now we are afraid to use that bed.


Butter is 25 cents.
Corn is 35 and 40 cents.
Eggs are 6 cents per dozen.
Four horse thieves are now residing in the County jail in this city.

There are 85 cases on the docket of the District Court for the March term.

Dr. Houx returned from his visit to Missouri last week, looking fat and health.

Rodocker has his new photograph gallery nearly finished and will soon commence business.


Furgerson & Quarles have their new barn nearly completed.

Dr. Graham has moved into his new office next door to Lynn's store.

We are informed by the County Clerk that the debt of the County amounts to upwards of $28,000.

D. Rodocker has opened up his new picture gallery and is now prepared to do first class work.

The circus has come and gone, and a good many people now wish they had their money back.

The senior editor and bride were serenaded last Saturday night, at the residence of Col. Manning, by the Winfield Silver Cornet Band. The Winfield Band is an institution in our city, composed of gentlemen, and trained musicians. It has few superiors in the state. Long live the Winfield Silver Cornet Band.

Owing to the fact that the fair will not take place this fall, the Winfield Literary and Dramatic Club have concluded to postpone their entertainment until October 9th, one of the evenings of the Institute. Mrs. S. Russell of Wichita, one of the finest singers in the state, will surely be here and assist in the entertainment.

Last Monday evening steps were taken to organize a Literary and Scientific Association in this city. A committee of seven reliable men was appointed to draft a constitution and form a plan of organization. Everybody should take an interest in this matter, as it will be a great benefit to the city if it is made a success.

Col. A. S. Johnson has been appointed acting Land Commissioners of the A. T. & S. F. R. R. in place of Mr. Touzlin. We are sorry to part with the latter gentleman, as our business relations with him have always been pleasant. But as we have never found any but gentlemen in the employ of this company, we have no fear but that Col. Johnson will discharge the duties of his office with equal succes and ability.

The man who "shook the dust" off his feet last fall and went off to Leavenworth cursing Cowley County, Winfield, and everybody in it, is now carpet-bagging in Winfield again, doing the heavy chin music on the Telegram, abusing everybody and trying to elect himself and partner to office. We predict that after the election, he will shoulder his carpet-bag and go back.

Concannon got up a dance at Thomasville last week for the benefit of the inhabitants of that burg and surrounding country. We are sorry to state, however, that those people didn't appreciate his efforts in their behalf, and all made it an object to be absent, and didn't even send in their half dollars to help pay the expenses. The musician got his pay, all but twenty-five cents, which much better than Con is in the habit of doing. He thinks he will try another dance down there some time when he is in the need of money.

Arkansas City, Kansas.

I have on hand constantly a large assortment of indian pictures, of the Osage, Kaw, Kickapoo, and other tribes. Views Of all sizes, from Card de Vista to 11 x 14. Also Sterscopic views of this vicinity on hand, and made to order. Views of Chatanooga, Tennessee, Look Out Mountain and vicinity, made during the war for sale. All kinds of pictures copies and enlarged, plain or colored. All Work Warranted Good or No Pay.


NOTICE is hereby given that an election will be held at I. H. Bonsall's photograph gallery, in the City of Arkansas City, on Monday, the 3rd day of April, A. D. 1876, for the election of the following city officers, to-wit: One Mayor, five Councilmen, one Police Judge.
S. P. CHANNELL, Mayor.
I. H. BONSALL, City Clerk.


How the grass does grow!
No more court for awhile.
The Arkansas is lowering.
Aspraragus is on the market.
Stock is fattening on grass in the timber.
Teams from the Pawnee Agency were up last week.
Old Mr. Campbell started to the Black Hills this week.
The early onions have put the singing schools in disgust.
Heating stoves have begun to hunt for the outside of the houses, lately.
Eight or ten new buildings are being erected in different parts of town.
The harvest of wheat will be very early this spring. The wheat has jointed already.
Bonsall closes his gallery on the 25th inst. Come in if you want your phiz taken.
There is a bad mud hole after crossing the first bluff north of town, that should be fixed.




I shall not take any photographs after the 25th of April. All in want of work will do well to call immediately.


Arkansas City is a cash market for wheat.
Several farms changed hands in East Bolton last week.
MR. S. Johnson is going to Elgin, Kansas, to engage in stock

A needle was taken from the shoulder of Mr. Farrar's child last week by Dr. Hughes.
Tom Concannon, formerly of Winfield, is down at Pawhuska, taking Indian photographs.

INDIAN PHOTOGRAPHS. We have a few specimens of Mr. T. M. Concannon's Indian photographs, that compare with the best. Mr. Concannon has a variety of scenes from Indian life, that make a very interesting picture.

Among the number purchased by ourselves is a "War-dance," "Issuing Rations," and the chiefs "Governor Joe," "Chetopa," "Strike-Ax," "Hard Rope," "Jump-Over" "Sassy-Chief," "Black Dog," and several others. Joe is chief ruler of the Big and Little Osages, Hard Rope, the war chief, and Black Dog is one of the most unruly Indians of the tribe. Among them, we recognize many familiar faces. The advertisement of the artist will appear next week.

TOYS, TOYS, TOYS. Go to Eddy's.
Books for the Holidays, at Eddy's.

Writing Desk, Card Cases, and Steroscopic views at Eddy's.


The pioneer artist of Kansas, after spending the most of one year and a great deal of many in the Indian Territory, has taken the greatest variety of negatives, and has the largest and best assortment of Indian photographs, ever offered to the public a few of which will be mentioned. Negative of the elegant Osage Government buildings in the Territory, the magnificent Osage University, the Commissary, the U. S. Agent's, Government physician's, and blacksmith's residences; a view of the dusky counselors as they sit on the brow of Council Hill; the Chief and head counselors photographed in groups or single; a group of Indians in their war dance; photos of Indian familes, men, women, and children; the elegant Osage Government stone mill; the traders' stores; the large hewed log farm house with citizens and family of Saucy Chief on his farm; the slaughtering yard on butchering day by the Osages; the University as the Indian children are at play. Also a splendid photographic view of the large Osage Agency farm, taken from the top of Council Hill, with Indian cabin and wigwams, and an Indian squaw standing by a tree with pappoose strapped on her back, in the foreground, and large hills in the distance in the background. Any of the above can be obtained by mail, in any desired quantity, on receipt of price mentioned.

Pictures on 8 x 10 card sent postpaid, single copy, $1; 1/2 dozen, $5; 1 doz., $9. Pictures on card 7 x 9, single copy 75 cents; 1/2 doz, $4; 1 doz., $7. Pictures cabinent size, single copy, 50 cents; 1/2 doz., $2.50; 1 doz., $4. Photo cards, album size, single copy, 25 cents; 1 doz., $2.50.

Pictures sent by mail on receipt of price to any part of the United States, Canada, England, or Ireland.


Osage Agency, Indian Territory.


The Ponca Indians all had their photographs taken at Bonsall's yesterday, dressed in the most attractive manner. He will have a number for sale in a few days.


Messrs. Daniels & Kirtley will open a new photographic studio next week, in the room over Pearson's furniture store.

January 19, 1880.

The railroad has struck us; came into the city limits about 5 o'clock, p.m.; will lay track through town tomorrow, put in side track or switch, and build a G. to turn the "iron horse" round on.

Mr. Henthorn has about completed his post-office building, and commenced a residence.

Mr. Legg, of Winfield, is putting the finishing touches to a large store building on Main street.

Mr. Bedell is here with his "Photo" Machine.


JANUARY 22, 1880.

As a photographic artist D. Rodocker can't be beat in this country. He has some cabinet size pictures now on exhibition that equal, in style of work and finish, anything we have ever seen.

Winfield Courier, September 2, 1880.

A big Pawnee Indian with his squaw got their pictures taken last Saturday. The Indian was five times as big as the squaw, while she was five times as pretty as the Indian.



G. L. Beurdett runs a photograph gallery here. He will duplicate you on tin, warranted to wear well, in less than a minute and for less than a dollar. He's cheap. Go and see him.


MARCH 17, 1881.

D. Rodocker has leased his photograph gallery to Mr. I. N. Hobbs. Mr. Hobbs is a skillful artist and his work is excellent. He will, in a few days, have a young lady assistant.

Mr. I. H. Bonsall's new photograph gallery on Summit Street has received a new roof, and is now being plastered and otherwise internally fixed up in good shape. Mr. Bonsall expects to be ready for business in about two weeks, when we predict for him a rushing picture trade.

TRAVELER,, MAY 25, 1881.

Strawberries 25 cents a quart last Monday.
Scott says it takes lots of meat to keep a wolf.
Early potatoes are expected to arrive shortly.
Dr. Vawter sold his horse yesterday for $110.00.
Col. Whiting, of Ponca Agency, is in town today.
Stock meeting at the canal office, next Saturday, at 2 p.m.
Capt. D. L. Payne still haunts the classic shades of Wichita.
Cyrus Wilson, of Maple City, is making his headquarters in the city now.
Beecher & Son have hung out a new sign at their shop, on Central Avenue.

The Walnut took a rise of 7 or 8 feet last week, but is now on the decline.
Strawberries and ice cream, next Friday evening, at the Central Avenue Hotel.
A gently flowing fountain is the newest attraction, at the Post office nowadays.

James Benedict is adding a porch to the other attractions of his town residence.

One week more and we will have a photograph gallery, with I. H. Bonsall as artist.



Mulberries are now ripe.

New potatoes $2 a bushel.

The photo shop is now ready for business.


At the last regular meeting of the I. O. O. F., No. 160, of this city, the following officers were elected for the coming year: C. M. McIntire, N. G.; Geo. W. Ford, V. G.; Will Griffith, P. S.; Geo. Russell, R. S.; James J. Riley, Treas.; James Ridenour, S. P. G.

Mr. J. A. Rexford met with quite an accident on last Saturday afternoon. Having his team hitched at the depot when the train was passing by, they became frightened, broke loose, and ran off. With the exception of gashing up one of the horses rather severely, and a broken wagon tongue, no permanent damage was done. Luckily there was no one in the wagon at the time.

It is with pleasure we call attention to the "ad" of Mr. I. H. Bonsall's new photograph gallery on Summit St., which will be found elsewhere in this issue. Mr. Bonsall is an artist of unquestioned ability, and has been in this business for many years. He has entirely remodeled the building opposite the Central Avenue House, and now has a most commodious studio both in the facilities afforded for work and for the accommodation of patrons.

I. H. BONSALL, Photographer
Corner Summit Street and Central Avenue,
Arkansas City, Kansas.


Corn is selling at 60 cents.

Mr. Kempton and Dr. Holland started for New Mexico by wagon.

Charley Coombs is now rusticating at Great Falls, New Hampshire.

The factory building is covered in and work upon the flooring has commenced.

BIRTH. W. S. Voris, of West Bolton, is the happy man. It is a bouncing girl and put in an appearance on October 27th, 1881.


I. H. Bonsall has just returned from St. Louis. He has been there posting up in the new instantaneous process, and is now ready to take your pictures quicker than you can say seat.


I. H. Bonsall has some excellent photograms of the new mills on the south end of the canal. They are gems in their line and speak well for the ability of the artist to do first-class work.


AD. New Photograph Gallery -BY- COSAND & MOSSER.
Pictures of any kind and style of finish.
Indian pictures for sale.

Rooms east side Main at Caldwell, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, June 27, 1885.

An exchange tells us that what is termed the latest swindle is thus expressed: Two men called on a farmer and represented themselves to be photographers. They agreed to furnish the farmer with a photograph of his home for fifty cents. The farmer signs an agreement to receive the photograph at the price named, which agreement turns up in due time as a promissory note for a goodly sum.

Arkansas City Republican, July 4, 1885.

Judge Bonsall has presented the REPUBLICAN with a couple of large photo views. They were taken decoration day. One was the group of the little boys and girls who participated in the exercises and the other was a scene at the cemetery. Both are good samples of what the judge can do in that line.

Arkansas City Republican, July 18, 1885.

Judge Bonsall last Tuesday took three different pictures of scenes presented by the businessmens excursion. The first was of the Kansas Millers. Next was a scene on the bank down in the territory and the next was at meal time on board the steamer. Judge has the pictures for sale and those wanting one should call on him.

Arkansas City Republican, August 1, 1885.

Judge Bonsall presents the REPUBLICAN with two splendid views this week. One was taken at the west bridge at the time the Arkansas was on such a high, and the other is of the Hasie and Commercial blocks.

Arkansas City Republican, September 5, 1885.

James A. McCormick, who has been running Mrs. D. W. Stevens photography gallery for several months past, will soon take his departure for Cherryvale. Mr. McCormick will be succeeded by George Dresser, who has been associated with D. Rodocker, of Winfield. The Tribune speaks thus complimentary of Mr. Dresser. Geo. H. Dresser, the photographer who has been associated with D. Rodocker for the past year and a half, left Thursday for Arkansas City, where he has made arrangements to run the Stevens gallery. Mr. Dresser has had 11 years experience in the art science and has proven himself to be a superior workman, a fact to which many of our citizens can testify, and we cheerfully recommend him to the citizens of the Terminus as a gentleman and an artist.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.

The gymnasium opened up again Wednesday evening.

For a handsome lot of paintings and chromos, go to C. W. Ransoms.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, October 10, 1885.

Geo. Dresser, our new photographer, went up into the state of Iowa this week to bring his wife to her Arkansas City home.

J. A. McCormick took charge of Mr. Kellys photograph gallery in Winfield last week, while the latter was in Topeka. Jim came back Monday to resume his duties in Mr. Dressers gallery.

Arkansas City Republican, October 17, 1885.

Geo. Dresser returned to Arkansas City Monday. He brought Mrs. Dresser with him, who will assist in the gallery. She has aided in picture taking for more than six years. Now is the time to have your babys photo taken.

Arkansas City Republican, December 5, 1885.

Prettyman [next], of Philadelphia, and W. McFarland, of Ohio, are the new artists who have recently located in our city. They have their art gallery in room No. 20 in the Commercial Block. Yesterday morning we paid the gentlemen a visit and were considerably surprised at the elegant style in which they have furnished their suite of rooms. The reception room is handsomely carpeted and is furnished with a beautiful parlor set. On the walls hang designs of their workmanship, which, in our judgment, we unhesitatingly pronounce first-class. The paraphernalia for pictures is all bran new, as are the backgrounds, accessories, etc. They are purchased in Chicago, and shipped directly here. All of their goods, scenery, etc., have not yet arrived. In a talk with the gentlemen, they informed us that they would make a specialty of copying and enlarging pictures. They also take pictures any size you may desire. From a photo card they can go to a picture 17 x 20 inches. This is a new departure in the art of picture making in Arkansas City. We would advise everyone to call on Prettyman [next] & McFarland if they are desirous of anything in this line.

Arkansas City Republican, December 12, 1885.

Call on Dresser, the photographer, and have some cabinet photos of yourself and make your friends a present. Cabinets $5.00 per doze. He is displaying some elegant work. You are invited to call in and look around.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, January 2, 1886.

George Dresser and family moved to Winfield Thursday to take charge of Rodericks art gallery. Before coming here Mr. Dresser contracted to take that gallery the first of the new year. As soon as his term expires in that city, he will come back to Arkansas City. He was very sorry that circumstances were so that he had to ever go away for a time.

Arkansas City Republican, January 16, 1886.

Any person wishing duplicate photographs from their negatives made by the undersigned while at Arkansas City, can have them on short notice by leaving orders at my old stand or notifying me. Telephone connection in gallery. Any persons wishing to speak to me pertaining to my business are at perfect liberty to do so at my expense.

GEORGE H. DRESSER, Photographer.

Winfield, Kansas.

Arkansas City Republican, Saturday, March 6, 1886.


All work strictly first-class. Life size Portraits finished Crayon, India Ink, and Water Colors. Satisfaction Guaranteed.

Arkansas City Republican, May 22, 1886.

G. W. Dresser, of Winfield, H. C. Bates, of Independence, and J. D. Bates, of Knoxville, Iowa, were in the city today. Since Mr. Dresser removed to Winfield, he has become inflated with Hackney-Courier gas, and he tells us some awful big stories about Winfields prospects. One, we remember, is to the effect that the Santa Fe officials have purchased 65 acres of land near Bliss & Woods Mill for the location of their machine shops, round-houses, etc. He further informed us that he saw the plans of the round-houses and one of them alone contained 80 stalls. We know Mr. Dresser to be a truthful man, but the REPUBLICAN must say his credulity has been imposed upon very badly. A round-house containing 80 stalls would be four times as large as any other round-house in the United States. Think of 80 engine stalls environing a single turn-table! The idea is absurd, very absurd! It is evident that Hackney is imposing upon the good citizens of Winfield by displaying a late Soudan war map, and telling them it is the plans for a round-house of the Santa Fe road. We would advise our Winfield friends to cut their stories down to a semblance of the truth.

Arkansas City Republican, July 17, 1886.

Judging from an item in the Courier, we should say Winfield was terribly disgusted with her write-up in the Great Southwest, by C. G. Smith. He says: The birds eye view of Winfield, costing the city $50, makes our magnificent city appear a little hamlet, with box houses and one church spire. The description, too, is very tame and the type and paper small and bleared. Of all papers, immigration sheets should be the most attractive.

Arkansas City gave the Great Southwest a wide berth.

Arkansas City TRAVELER,, Wednesday, December 1, 1886.


Portraits enlarged from photographs in crayon, ink, or water color. Strictly first-class work.

Gallery in Commercial block, Arkansas City, Kansas.

Arkansas City TRAVELER, December 22, 1886.


N. W. Corner of Summit Street and Fourth Avenue.

(Stevens corner.) Arkansas City, Kansas.


Mr. Beck, the popular Photographer of Winfield, photographed the Floral display at the Baptist Church at Albert Chaney's funeral.

Captured from http://www.ausbcomp.com/~bbott/cowley/Oldnews/subjects/PHOTOGS.htm
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