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The Cherokee Strip Run

Waiting To Sign Up, Sept. 16, 1893
Just Before the Run

Arkansas City Traveler August 21, 1969 article:

This photograph, taken from an original glass plate, was taken at the west side of the Chilocco Indian Reservation by Thomas Croft on Sept. 16, 1893, just before noon. The original glass plate, along with other glass plates of photos taken that day, have been given to an Arkansas City woman. That lady was Mrs. Ira (Lois McAllister) Hinsey. She is now deceased. She was related to Thomas Croft.

On the wooden platform at noon of Sept. 16, 1893, were W. S. Prettyman, P. A. Miller, and Thomas Croft, all local photographers. Prettyman left the platform to make the run, and 16-year-old Croft helped his father, Thomas Croft, set up the photograph, which Thomas Croft took. Letter from Croft verifying he took the picture is in file.

Wagons Ready for the Opening of
the Cherokee Strip in 1893

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